What do you think about Hawaii??

2016-05-31 4:37 am
I want to see here some views about Hawaii. I hope I will see here really interesting views of this State.

回答 (7)

2016-05-31 6:30 am
Beautiful, great for a short vacation, but rather different culture from the mainland US, and a lot of the people there resent or even hate white people, with some justification (learn the history of the place if you want to understand why). Mostly Asian population (most of them Japanese), so it's the safest place in the US in terms of crime. But VERY expensive. High cost of living and few decent jobs. Mainly, a place for those who were born and raised there or else rich people who can move there without needing a job. One really cool thing to do there is watch Japanese TV with English subtitles, but you can do that in some mainland cities too...
2016-07-04 2:42 am
I've lived here 36 and LOVE it. Ask me anything. Find out more at www.hawaiiinformation.com
2016-06-08 2:24 am
Hawai'i has both beautiful lands, kind people, and rich culture. While there is a little racism, where in the world is there not? I have not found a soul that is just deplorably rude based on heritage. Natives have a bad rep. for being unfriendly, but I have NEVER experienced such. If you smile at someone, they'll smile back. If you scowl at someone, they will scowl back as well. That's not Hawai'ian culture, that's human culture.

Each island is beautiful in its own way. O'ahu has many beautiful temples and beaches. Maui has a small town feel. Hawai'i Island has a few active volcanoes, but is otherwise a very quiet island despite being the largest (only two towns, 40 minutes - an hour apart).

I love living in Hawai'i and I'll stay here as long as I possibly can. I encourage you to visit and experience it for yourself!
參考: HI resident
2016-06-03 4:45 am
Hawaii is a smart choice to go for and famous for its natural views among travelers.If we say its is heaven on earth then it will not wrong at all due to its fascinating views.
2016-06-02 3:53 am
Beautiful place, have only been to Maui and the Big Island but twice to each. Would love to live there- perfect weather all the time and gorgeous scenery and beaches and great snorkeling.
2016-05-31 7:21 pm
It's expensive, but a beautiful place to visit. The experience is different from island to island, but all of them are worth visiting.
2016-05-31 4:45 am
I just think of volcanos and pineapples when I hear the word Hawaii.

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