When does my money go into my account?

2016-05-30 6:16 pm
My mum to puts money in my account via online banking. When she puts the money in, when does it become avaliable for me to get?

That didn't answer my question dumbass

回答 (5)

2016-05-31 7:41 pm
Checks are processed first and then deposits.
2016-05-31 1:31 am
An online transfer will go through in around two hours - or so my bank says. So if you look on YOUR online banking (if you have it!) later the same day, or ask your bank later the same day, it should be there. At worst, it'll be next day. It might not be until next day if she did it later in the afternoon.

It does depend on WHEN your Mum went online to pay you. Traditionally banks shut at 3.30 pm and anything after that goes through next day. And weekends and bank holidays are non-banking days so if Mum makes an online payment then, it won't go through until the next day banks are open. So the worst is if she pays you on Friday afternoon just before a bank holiday weekend - then you won't get it until Tuesday.

GRRRRR I wish my Mum was like yours. Mine is 77 (I'm 50), has only just discovered the Internet, and has heard so many stories about online banking security that she refuses to use online banking. So if she wants to pay me anything, she writes a cheque and that takes at least three days to go through because it's paper and my bank has to ask her bank to "clear" it and send the money over. She's just given me a cheque to give me a present of a new washing machine and I couldn't pay it in today because it was a bank holiday... oh well, that's a job for tomorrow!
2016-05-30 7:28 pm
If done by electronic banking, it should be available no later than the next day, since there's no time needed for the transaction to clear.
2016-05-30 7:36 pm
When you go online and see the deposit in your account.
2016-05-30 6:39 pm
Call your bank. But probably three business days.
2016-05-30 6:19 pm
Spent real fast

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