Is it ok to keep only 1 rat?

2016-05-30 4:53 pm
I m home nearly all the time, and I love his attention. I can play with him at his most active hours (early hours of the morning) and he is very licky and so affectionate. He wouldn t fight another rat. He s just a baby, and noises frighten him. I know that people advise getting more than 1 rat but my baby seems fine on his own because he gets a lot of attention. The pet shop sell rats very quickly but she can get new ones very quickly also.

I m not asking if I should get a new rat!
Will Skittles be ok if he is the only rat as long as I hold him and show affection a lot?

回答 (8)

2016-05-30 5:04 pm
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I always kept one rat at a time, but a second rat would definitly make "skittles" happier. Plus rats dont live that long so its not that big of a commitment
2016-06-01 6:25 am
No no no absolutely not, unless you have time to play with your fat for at least like, 7 hours a day. Get it a friend or don't get one at all. Sorry to sound tough I'm sure you'll be a great ratty parent :-)
2016-05-31 8:51 pm
Rats will actually self-harm if lonely, so if you don't have as much time to play with him in the future you should definitely invest in a new furry friend. Either way he'll surely be happy with someone else. I'm not sure if you should get another boy though because I don't know if rats are territorial or not. Good luck!
2016-05-30 4:55 pm
Every rat needs a friend.
2016-06-02 8:06 pm
No - obviously - they are social animals - they need their own kind.
2016-06-01 3:51 am
It's only okay to keep one rat at a time if it shows aggression to other rats, otherwise they always need companions.
2016-05-30 7:47 pm
2016-05-30 7:22 pm
Yeah, any single / lone animal is fine but requires daily interaction and attention from his human owner.

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