Should I just ask?

2016-05-30 7:38 am
I still like my ex fling (for more info, look at my previous question). Nothing bad happened between us but I find it hard to act like a friend around him. We were friends btw. It's been 7 months since we broke up and I feel like I have fixed all of my insecurities and I'm ready to have a bf now. The only problem is that I don't know where he stands in this. I really want to know if we still have a chance or if he still likes me but, of course, I'm really scared to ask him. I did say something about my feelings a few months back and I feel like it just set us on rocky ground. Therefore, I'm afraid of him being pushed away by me asking again. I just really need to know because my feelings haven't subsided and I don't think they will for a while (already liked him for a whole school year, literally). Only thing is, I would wait to see how I feel after summer break but if I still like him and decide to tell him when school starts back it's going to be one hellish sophomore year. Another thing, we were supposed to talk about us (his idea) but it fell through. Not sure if he was waiting on me but I was waiting as well. I think we have unresolved feelings and issues because we have yet to talk and settle what happened. Should I just ask him to get some tea with me the last day of school (this Friday) and then discuss us or do I text/call him (not the best in my favor)? Also, if that goes well in my liking, should I go ahead and ask him how he feels about becoming something again?

回答 (3)

2016-05-30 7:39 am
They're an ex for a reason.

Move On.
2016-05-30 7:49 am
You don't decide to like someone romantically or not ----- if you cared about each other you would still be together ----- no matter how you feel your description comes across as passionless ---- when you love someone there is no one else and you don't wait ---- you may love him but he does not love you If he did you would still be together ---- you don't need to sit down and talk about if you want to be together or not you either are together or not ----- if you really want to settle things do it now if there was any passion to be together you would not be asking you would have done it already
2016-05-30 7:44 am
Why leave it as a mystery. Talk to him at school end so you know where you are. Was his idea in suggesting a "talk" so remind him.

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