Abusive Relationship Advice Please?

2016-05-29 11:22 pm
So for the last 8 months I have been dating this guy. He 19, me 16. He s a drunk and very violent douchey thug at that. I m a depressed anxious mess little alternative kid. He s raped me twice, no opinion on it. Because of my depression and the reasons behind it I don t feel. I felt with him. I mean felt, had a will to live. If you ve only nothing but horrible things about yourself and dullness towards life your entire life, you ll understand why I stayed.
I was admittedly obsessed beyond belief over him. I was never once clingy about it tho, I let him do him and I let him walk all over me. I was, am, in love with him. We just broke up because I finally stuck up for myself but now I m at a loss of what to do. He keeps being a dick to me and saying **** and calling me and I keep answering because i love him, but i m not giving into him at all. I just want to know how should I go about getting over this? He was extremely controlling, jealous, and very mean when drunk. We have done nothing but argue the past two months since he raped me. I love him, but now I m ready to try and move on. How? I can only think of him and I only want him. Please help, and if anything more is needed to help don t fret to message me.

We got back together that night, broke up again later that week, and then got back together almost right after. Right now he's in jail because he already had a warrant for his arrest for failure to appear. Before that he had three options, finish his drug classes in the extended time he was given, go to jail for five months, or three year probation. He decided he was going to do the five months after the extended time was up. Now he got caught and I'll be free soon.

回答 (2)

2016-05-29 11:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It does not matter how you feel he does not love you he does not care about you he does not even like you ---- accept that don't talk to him because he will use your feelings against you ----- you should even call the police and have him charged with rape ----- you don't try to get over him you do get over him ---- the most difficult part is accepting he does not care once you do it will become easier ----- we don't need more information the bare bones are enough he is violent and raped you he is scum ----- yes find someone who you can talk to but it's important to delete him from your life clean and forever don't talk to him have no contact with him ----- i won't say it's easy to move on its something we all must do even when there is no violence and it's an amicable breakup
2016-05-29 11:23 pm
I only felt that when I was actually with him or texting, or we had a good day and he's brightened my mood btw.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:45:56
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