How do I get to know this girl?

2016-05-29 2:11 am
There is this girl that went to my high school that just recently friended me on Facebook. I was in her geometry class senior year but that was it because she was a sophomore. I didn't really talk to her because we hung out with different people. I always thought she was very pretty. I'm 24 and she's 21. Anyways I want to try to get to know her. How do I go about doing that? We are both attending University of Louisville if that helps. She's a nurse studying to be a doctor and I'm studying to be a middle school teacher.

回答 (2)

2016-05-29 2:18 am
Talk to her on facebook. Comment on her photos, start talking! The only way you get to know ANYONE is talking to them, interacting with them and spending time with them. Find out who she hangs out with and talk to her friends. You have to start somewhere. Smile at her when you see her, and make yourself look approachable. Maybe when you walk past her, say something like "Hey! Weren't you in my geometry class..?" and start talking from there. It will happen slowly, you need to put effort. good luck! :)
2016-05-29 2:16 am
"FLIRTING" is The most effective "NON" Verbal & Attention getting form of Communication. When you are Nervous, Scared, Inexperienced or just need a way to get someone away from a crowd or group of friends or Make Contact from a Distance. FLIRT !!!
Let the person you are INTERESTED IN, See You Looking at Them.
Not Stare… Look.

"SHY" is in your Favor because you can BLUSH real easy, without trying.

"BLUSHING" is in your favor, because it will MAKE Them wonder if,
it's because of Them, that YOU ARE Blushing.
They will start thinking of YOU. (Wondering)
When they look again… whisper "Hi" to them.
They will know its them, you're looking at.
When they look again… make your hand like a telephone
and whisper "CALL ME".
They don't have your number, but YOU HAVE
their ATTENTION and maybe INTEREST.

THE ICE IS BROKEN. They know you exist and they know you like them. From now on every time you see them, Smile at Them.
Once in awhile say "Hi".
Once in awhile Compliment them on something of theirs
(hat, hair, eyes, jacket, shoes, smile or giggle)

"NERVOUSNESS" is in your favor
when you tell the other person you are Nervous.

After you make contact, TALK to her Face to Face. NOT Social Media!!!
Just say: "I'm kinda NERVOUS talking to you, so if I mess up, PLEASE, don't think I'm an idiot… okay? I'm just nervous."

She knows what it's like to be NERVOUS,
She will be UNDERSTANDING & NICE to you.
After that is Spoken, neither of you will be Nervous.
Your BIGGEST WEAKNESS has lost all of it POWER
and IS NOW IN YOUR FAVOR, because it is also a TOPIC of CONVERSATION
She can relate too.

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