What is the best way to kill bed bugs?

2016-05-28 10:13 pm
Our couch, bed, recliner and other furniture have been sitting in my grandparents garage for 2 months and we re moving it out to our house. Is 2 months enough time to be completely infested?

回答 (19)

2016-05-29 8:09 am

Your English is messed up.

Bed bugs can probably last a year without food.
2017-03-04 11:54 pm

your english is messed up...

bed bugs can probably last a year without food...
2016-06-01 1:25 am
true u could put the items outside for a few day and let the heat do the work ,but that will only get rid of the ones on the surface, better let the exterminator treat them, do not handle any of the items yourself because if they geton u then u could bring them into the home, and if the get into your hair hen u might have to shave your head as I know of a person who got them from just walking into a empty home
2016-05-31 4:28 am
Normally I stay away from these but I know you need and exterminator that knows bed bugs, the only way to rid your house of these pest is by heating the rooms to 120 deg of dry heat. Get a professional Please.
2016-05-30 2:11 am
The best way to kill bed bugs is by means of the following methods:
(a) Hand picking ==squeezed to death afterwards;
(b) To put every clothing and bedding infested with them into boiling water==so as to kill them instantly;
(c) To search for every hibernating place in furniture, floor and wall == so as to apply either (a) or (b) ;
(d) To apply fumigating ==so as to destroy them completely.
2016-05-29 9:57 pm
Do you actually see the bed bugs ??? IF you see those bugs then you need to get an exterminator to clear and kill the furniture .... and do it right where it is sitting////setting do not move it to your new house -- the bugs will be in your carpets and clothes ... READ more about that vermin online and know what you are fighting ..... AND do not move that furniture until it has been debuggered ...........
2016-05-29 4:34 pm
They could become infested in 2 HOURS. They could sit for DECADES and not be infested. The most reliable method of killing bedbugs and their eggs is heat remediation. This basically amounts to heating the items to 140°F for about 2 hours.
2016-05-28 10:28 pm
If you are a dirty birdy...after the fact....to eradicate bugs

Anyone should suggest that you get an exterminator.

Illegals don't have good hygiene.
2016-05-28 10:19 pm
Sure they could have bugs in them. I am not sure it would be bed bugs, if they did not have them when put in there. But could have fleas or spiders.
The first thing is to get a shop vac ( with a dust filter on the inside) , you don't want the dirty air blowing back on the items.
Try to get them out in the sun to air out, put them up on bucket or milk crates, off the ground, put them back inside the garage like around 5 at the latest.
Completely vacuum every thing out. Is the garage old, dirty and detached, or clean, newer and attached?
Have a professional look at them. It is better to clean them up before getting into your house/apartment.
If cleaned, or some treatment is done, then you have to move them right away.
2016-05-28 10:16 pm
You are asking whether 2 months is enough time for your furniture to GET INFESTED? Or are you asking whether 2 months is enough time for your furniture to get DE-INFESTED (rid of the bugs) ?

The answer is YES to the first question, and NO to the second.

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