how to deal with abusive and physcical mom???

2016-05-28 10:33 am
my mom is type of parent who hits slaps punch grabs hair and kicks. plz help me..she has some issues..ex:i got A- in my English test she ******* do all this horrid things on me and btw this really happen so plz help me.pls dont write call police cause i cnt do that..dont asky why? but just give me some advice pls be serious here i dont really wanna see dont know thats your promblem or any. BUT JUST PLEASE HELP ME I HAVE BRUISES EVERYWHERE..SO PLS JUST BE SERIOUS AND THANKS...

*******- *******

回答 (3)

2016-05-28 10:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I know you asked not to, but I would still say to call the cops. If you cant, fine I understand but they are there to protect you.
If she's hitting you, try your best to deflect her hits. Or if worse comes to worse, hit her back. I know it sounds awful and that's why I'd rather you call someone but you still need to protect yourself. Try talking to a counselor or close friend about this, so you don't go through it alone. And just try not to agitate her. You might want to avoid her all together if she gets easily angered. I'm sorry you're going through this and I hope it gets better. Feel free to reply back if you need someone to talk to!
2016-05-28 11:11 am
Do a self defence or street fighting course. So you can deflext her attacks, maybe kick her when she doesnt expect it. Pay for the course by walking dogs and doing chores for people.
You can use positive reinforcement on her, by secretly rewarding the behaviour you prefer with doing a chore or giving a nice remark or a cup of thea.
You Switch to not talking, no eye contact, no affection when she is abusive.
2016-05-28 11:08 am
If you are still in school visit your school guidance counselor and tell them your story. Show them all your bruise and describe how each one occurred. Ask them to contact Social Services and have a social worker interview you. Once they do that then they will interview your mother. If you are judged to be in an abusive or unsafe home environment you could be placed in foster care or a group home.

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