Can somebody please help me find the area of this shape, and how you did it?! ↓↓

2016-05-27 3:53 pm

回答 (2)

2016-05-27 4:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You've got a rectangle at the top, width 17 cm, height (22 - 16) cm.
That's 17*6 cm^2 = 102 cm^2
At the bottom, you've got two triangles, each with area
(1/2)*(17/2)*16 cm^2
The area of both the triangles adds up to 17*8 cm^2 = 136 cm^2
Total area of complete figure is (102 + 136) cm^2
= 238 cm^2 <<<
2016-05-27 4:03 pm
Assume that the two vertical sides are equal in length, i.e. 22 cm.

Draw a horizontal line to join the two lowest points, and thus a rectangle is formed.

Area of the given shape
= (Area of the rectangle) - (Area of the triangle)
= [17 × 22 - (1/2) × 17 × 16] cm²
= 238 cm²

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