I had sex with my daughter in- law the night before she married my son should I tell him?

2016-05-27 2:48 pm

回答 (27)

2016-05-28 3:06 am
Troll Alert
2016-05-27 3:07 pm
I ffuukked her that night too, and so did all the groomsmen. So it's not a big deal. I think she is fukking the mailman and the neighbor's dog now.
2016-05-27 8:42 pm
My first reaction was no, but if she did you the night before her wedding, your son has a wife that already disrespected him and their marriage. She cheated and worse, she did it with you. You and she deserve each other.
2016-05-27 2:51 pm
If you are not trolling
you are a very sick person
2016-05-28 12:14 am
NO it will cause more harm then good to tell him.
2016-05-27 4:04 pm
NO: its bad enough that you did a scumbag deed like you did. doing another scumbag deed would be really stupid
2016-05-27 3:20 pm
OUCH! What were the circumstances? Have the two of you always exhibited some sort of attraction to each other and things just came to a head this night? Or was it more of a one-night-stand similar to what has happened at bachelor/bachelorette events, possibly with alcohol involved?

Your actions should be guided by your son's long-term happiness: that should be at the forefront of your concerns. Your decision should NOT be motivated by any sense of guilt that you feel the need to absolve yourself of or gain forgiveness for: it's more likely that you'll have to remain silent and simply live with that guilt as the price for what you did.

If this had the feeling of a one-time thing--particularly if alcohol was involved--AND if you have a good feeling about this young woman being your son's wife (she normally seems level-headed, kind, and was mortified at the mistake the two of you made), AND you're fairly certain she intends to keep this secret, then you should almost certainly say nothing. By saying something at this point, you would only be seeking to absolve yourself of any guilt you may be feeling, and that is actually selfish, particularly if your son has been generally happy with this woman. You'll just have to live silently with any guilt you may feel as part of the price for what you did.

On the other hand, if you and your daughter-in-law were trading lingering looks before this happened and/or the attraction seems to be ongoing--OR if you feel that she may wind up telling your son anyway, then things get a lot murkier. One could argue that it would be better for your son to hear about this from you than from any other source...but you need to be warned: this is a nuclear option: it will cause major--possibly irreparable--damage in the relationships between everyone involved, particularly between you and your son, and especially if he and your daughter-in-law manage to work through it and remain married.

Bottom line: I would remain silent unless there is some overriding imperative to reveal such information, particularly if your son and daughter-and-law are leading a generally-happy married life.

Good luck.
2016-05-27 2:59 pm
2016-05-27 2:53 pm
Tell him if you want to rip the family apart, but if you don't perhaps your D I L might at some time
2016-05-27 3:25 pm
The night before they got married she was not yet your daughter in law so it's O.K. .
2016-05-28 6:01 am
wow really? why would you tell your son?
2016-05-28 4:41 am
You are .... words fail me. You not only abused your position as father-in-law, but are jeopardizing your son's marriage. You will destroy that marriage. Yes, your daughter-in-law is also responsible, but you didn't have to have sex with her. Was she drunk at the time, and did consent to this? I wonder. What about your own marriage vows?
2016-05-27 4:13 pm

So both father and son have put their tools in the same hole... Thats cute....
2016-05-27 4:58 pm
if i was u, i wouldnt cuz he wont forgive u
2016-05-27 2:52 pm
call the police and ask for help
2016-11-09 1:48 am
tell him if you want to rip the family apart, but if you don't perhaps your d i l might at some time
2016-11-05 9:57 pm
yeah i would to stop him from marrying a cheater.........
2016-08-14 3:00 pm
yeah i would to stop him from marrying a cheater...
2016-05-31 8:58 am
Was she any good !
2016-05-30 9:55 am
yeah i would to stop him from marrying a cheater...
2016-05-30 3:09 am
Yes. And please consult counsel.
2016-05-29 11:12 pm
Lucky you.
2016-05-28 9:51 pm
plus two
2016-05-28 4:36 pm
Yes I would to stop him from marrying a cheater.
2016-05-28 1:02 pm
You have performed the opening ceremony . Do you consider it as an achevement to tell your son . Having done a dirty thing avoid thinkng of gaining credit .
2016-05-28 12:51 pm
What the ****?!
You both should kill yourselves! ******* retarded
2016-05-27 7:35 pm
Why? When he finds out he will probably drop her or cancel the wedding

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