How can I stop my pubes from growing?

2016-05-27 1:41 pm
Anything other than laser?

回答 (7)

2016-05-27 8:48 pm
You can't. But pubic hair is sexy! You don't want to remove it. Just keep it clean.
2016-05-27 5:31 pm
No. Best thing is to get one of the new hair removal gadgets such as the NO NO or the YES which are painless.
2016-05-27 3:46 pm
There is not anyway you can stop your pubic hairs from growing. We are designed to have them.Pubic hair is not gross. It is not unhygienic, and it most certainly does not increase smell.

Most women who shave their pubic area have to shave everyday. Most women who wax (and have quick growing hair) have to wax at least once every 2 weeks. I hate when waxers say you can go 4-6 weeks. As if, I have regrowth in 1 week. TOTALLY not worth it.

Don't get laser hair removal. That is a permanent thing. Just because pubic hair is not socially "cool" right now, doesn't mean it won't be in 10 years. Look at eyebrows, in the 90's they were stick thin, and now thick natural brows are in. It is a trend.

Put the money you would spend on laser into a savings account. In 10 years, you will be happy with the money to saved.
2016-05-27 1:55 pm
dying would be the only way to stop hair growth. how do you NOT know that?
2016-05-27 2:47 pm
Put them in a freezer
2016-05-27 2:09 pm
You can't
2016-05-27 1:44 pm
You can't you will forever be battling those fuc*king crotch demons.

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