is this domestic violence?

2016-05-27 12:08 pm
so im 15 and this all started when i reported a sexual abuse when i was 12 my mum called me a slut and a prostitue and said i did it for attention this went on for around 2 years until i got caught hanging out with someone i was told not to hang out with my mum threw a glass mirror at me then stood up and put her hands around my neck and i pushed her off she told me to leave and so i did a week later i came home and my mum was saying how much i ruined her life etc then i got caught for piercing my own ear so my mum came at me and pushed me over and we got into a full fight until my dad stepped in and once she stopped throwing hits she said u ruined our lives and my dad turns around and agrees. is this domestic violence ? i know i caused her to get angry and thats what my parents say but is it normal to act that way??

回答 (8)

2016-05-27 12:14 pm
It doesn't matter what you did (as long as it wasn't a crime, like you murdered someone). THIS IS CHILD ABUSE. You should tell someone right away. A teacher, a policeman, another family member, any trusted adult. You cannot allow this to go on.
2016-09-12 8:30 am
2016-05-27 1:41 pm
It is child abuse, and you should be talking to your guidance counselor or the school nurse about it. It isn't good parenting, although sadly it isn't uncommon- but common doesn't make it right. breaking things and harming you are abuse, and it needs to be stopped.

If you don't feel you can go to the people at school - who could help you report it to CPS- you can call here:
2016-05-27 1:05 pm
No, it's not normal. This is child abuse. If these kind of things keep happening you should get out of there.
2016-05-27 12:25 pm
This isn't normal... Its like child abuse and domestic violence... Be safe and bless you!
2016-05-27 12:13 pm
It sounds like domestic violence but it isnt sexual. Calling someone a slut or prostitute isnt sexual abuse.
Although yeah, your mom sounds crazy. Do something about it.
2016-05-27 12:12 pm
2016-05-27 1:25 pm
Neither your behavior nor hers is normal.

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