is it too late to go back to school?

2016-05-27 9:37 am
I'm 29.. I do have a degree in Criminology.. But that degree has been pretty useless.. It got me 0 good jobs and I can't get into policing after years of trying. I have decided to move on, obviously this was not my calling or else I would have been in by now. So now i'm looking at other options, I work as technical support for a company so im pretty computer savvy..I was thinking going back to school and taking something IT related.. Is it too late since im almost 30?

回答 (7)

2016-05-27 10:32 am
I'm 21 and I'm the youngest in my computer networking classes. Most of the people in there are 30 and above. Some are in their 50s. Seems like a lot of my tech classes have people around your age in them. Obviously, not all my classes are like that though. For general education classes, it's mostly people around my age, but there are some that are older. If you're going to a 4 year college, you're even closer to the average age.
2016-05-27 9:40 am
Try fraud analyst work. That position is very lucrative and can use both your experience and degree at the same time.

No, it is not too late to go back. I got my first degree in my late 30s'.
2016-05-27 9:55 am
It's never too late to go back to school! Consider an online university.
2016-05-27 9:40 am
It is never too late. At 29 you have years ahead of you. Become a teacher I reckon you would be good at that.
2016-05-30 1:31 pm
How about going to Law School and become a criminal defense attorney?
2016-05-30 5:18 am
Learning is lifetime. Went back to grad school at 32. In another program now at 44. It will be easier than the first time.
2016-05-27 10:47 am
No its not. You should go for it!

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