What is the name of this REALLY old game? Possibly a Star Wars game?

2016-05-26 2:46 pm
I have NO idea what the name of this game is. There were three factions that I can recall. "Republic" "Pirates" and something else. You started off small, a very miniscule "Bare Essentials" ship, and in doing quests and stuff, got credits in order to purchase better equipment and better ships. You could also set it to auto-eject an escape pod in case of danger. It took a lot of fuel to "hyperspace jump" to different sections of the galaxy, and different areas were ruled by different factions.

Does ANYONE know what game this is? I want to say it came out between 15-30 years ago and ran on (I believe) Mac and Windows. I mean Win 95 old here.

I looked into them, and they seem to be 1st person. This was more "Bird's Eye View" person. The view was from outside the ship, and you could see all around you, but couldn't move the camera to tilt the angle. It was always straight down towards your ship.

回答 (1)

2016-05-26 2:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm going to guess it was either Elite, or Frontier: Elite 2.
Since you didn't mention aliens, I'd assume it is the latter.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:46:43
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