Kitten and Baby Bonding??
My baby boy just turned 5 months old and we introduced a 2 month old kitten to the house a couple weeks ago. Our kitten, Cora, has become very very attached to our son and always wants to be with him. She s laying next to him and they re both napping next to me right now on the couch. She s got one paw on his bottom while she sleeps, I think to keep him safe. I m a stay at home mom and they re both always supervised and she isn t allowed in his room when he s napping or for bedtime. She is still learning that he can t play with her like my husband and I can... But she s never bitten him... Just pawed at his kicking legs without claws. My question is... Should I keep them farther apart or discourage her being so close to him? I don t want to risk anything in terms of cleanliness and health. I m a neat freak and keep my house picked up and sanitized 24/7 and even wipe down my cat frequently with her special cat wipes but I m still concerned about her licking his arms/legs and constantly curling up next to him to sleep (supervised). This is my first time as a cat owner so I m really not sure what s appropriate. Any (respectful) feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
回答 (2)
I honestly wouldnt be worried about letting the cat near your baby, unless of course she was aggressive which you have already pointed out that she isnt. The real problem with cats is in their litter boxes, they carry bacteria in their feces and their urine is high in ammonia. Keep the baby far away from the litter box and you're fine!
It's a great relationship, don't ruin it!
收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:46:14
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