Did Hitler Hated Blacks?

2016-05-25 11:10 pm

回答 (17)

2016-05-27 7:15 am
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Jessie Owens was the Black athlete who won gold medals in Berlin in the 1930s Olympics. After he'd won the medals, he looked up at Hitler who was up in the stands, and waved to him. Hitler waved back and came down onto the field and shook hands with him. They had their picture taken together. Owens later said, "That was one of my most beautiful moments!" The lying press in the U.S. reported that Hitler had "snubbed" Owens. Owens said that that was not true, and he carried that photo of himself and Hitler with him for the rest of his life. But when he died, it mysteriously vanished. Obviously someone took it. Owens said that the only person who'd snubbed him was the then president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who didn't even send Owens a telegram after he'd won those gold medals. The lying media showed a film in the theaters of Hitler getting up in disgust and leaving the stadium, implying that he hated Blacks. The truth is that Hitler did leave the stadium eventually, but not before he had gone over to meet Owens. Does that answer your question? ...
2016-05-25 11:15 pm
Yes, read about him and the Munich Olympics
2016-05-25 11:11 pm
No hitler didn't hated blacks he hated jews
2016-05-29 8:59 pm
Yep! He murdered a whole bunch of 'em at Malthausen, an auxiliary camp to Dachau.
2016-05-27 9:49 am
He considered that anyone not of the Aryan racial type was racially inferior, sub-human. This included people with moustaches and dark (not blond) hair. As this included he himself this preyed on his mind and may be why he eventually shot himself.
2016-05-26 11:33 pm
Hitler thought all who were not Aryan were inferior. His goal was to build a "Master Race" with blond, blue eyed Germans.
2016-05-26 7:33 pm
Are they white? If not, he hated them.
2016-05-25 11:11 pm
2016-09-26 10:23 pm
From my research Hitler did not hate black people. He detested jews and black jewa which were of German and African decent. The jews he detested are not acutal jews but imposters. He therefore called them bastards and wnted to rid them of this earth as an act of God. Yes, Hitler was a smart and religious man. Hitler had done research of his own and found that the true Jews are black from Israel. Would you like to know where they are to this day? They live in America a.k.a The United States of America. Yes people, blacks in America are not from Africa, they are indeed from Israel. Don't believe me? Do the research. If you still don't believe what you read, then deny the bible. Blacks in America are God's chosen people and Adolph Hitler even knew it. It shocked me to know that he knew this finding that I've been lied to all my life in school. Open your eyes people, the end is near and God is not pleased!
2016-05-30 2:46 pm
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler hated blacks almost as much as he hated Jews. In his autobiography Mein Kampf, Hitler referred to Afro-Germans as “Rhineland bastards”—a reference to the children of German and African parents. Among other forms of oppression, the Nazis sterilized German blacks.
2016-05-29 1:04 pm
2016-05-28 8:35 pm
Hitler wasn't detested blacks, he hated Jews.
2016-05-28 5:52 am
Anyone who wasn't fit/of use to work was inferior. I live in L.A.with a large homeless/mentally ill population. Rude invasive angry violent psychotic with no regard to anyone's personal space. A drain on the economy and a nuisance to regular folks.Hitler got rid of these people. Crazy yet pragmatic.
2016-05-28 12:54 am
He looked down on people who he didn't deem 'aryan'
Blacks weren't his first priority, although hitler seemed mad when Jesse Owens (an African American man) won the olymipics in the 30s
2016-05-27 10:03 pm
He hated Jews and were Friends and Allied with Muslims and Nippons. He doesn't think highly of Blacks of African Origin out of his personal hubris as compared to all Civilization Blacks of African Origins were the Least Advance for 2 Millennia. He envied the Tibetan and other Himalayan believing that they descended from a master race thus the incorporation of the Swastika as a Symbol for "National Socialism".
2016-05-27 12:37 pm
He didn't care for them, since he didn't even consider them to be proper humans.
2016-05-27 12:08 pm
just something to add to "pancho"

when the US squad got back to the US roosevelt held a dinner party for the medal winners but did not invite owens

owens however got a belated invite but had to go up to the party via a service lift cos he wasnt allowed in the normal lift

the US hated blacks far more than hitler did

Hitler hated EVERYBODY
2016-05-27 2:32 am
well he hated jews mainly not really blacks? well I guess he hated everyone who was a jew or didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes, since that was apparently the perfect race (even though he himself did not have blonde hair or blue eyes).
2016-05-26 6:06 pm
No....for two reasons. There were NO blacks in Germany...so he couldn't hate them.
He did, however, hate the Jewish. He performed ethnic cleansing....by cooking the Jewish in huge ovens so Germany would have nothing but white skinned blue eyed people.
2016-05-26 4:19 pm
yes, and he also hated himself because he was 1% black.
2016-05-26 12:19 am
He wasn't that keen on the Rhineland Bastards as they were known.
2016-05-26 12:15 am
he hated most people.
2016-05-25 11:19 pm
he hated everyone
2016-05-25 11:12 pm
2016-05-27 3:46 am
Hitler was hate personified !
2016-05-26 5:27 am
Nope, he also didn't hate Italians or Spaniards, like dumb schmucks believe. Hitler's main hatred was Jews, Nords, and Slavs. He also conquered Denmark, you imbeciles here. He didn't like them very much, and in many ways WWII was a continuation of the Holstein-Schwelig conflict. His allies were Italy, Japan and Vichy France.

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