The lower the pOH, the higher the hydrogen ion concentration.?

2016-05-25 2:50 pm

so between pOH=3.0 and pOH=10.5 which one would be ranked as a higher concentration

回答 (3)

2016-05-25 3:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The statement is FALSE.

The lower the pOH, the higher the hydroxide ion concentration is.
The higher the hydroxide ion concentration, the lower the hydrogen ion concentration is.

Refer the above two statements. The conclusion is:
The LOWER the pOH, the LOWER the hydroxide ion concentration is.

Between pOH 3.0 and pOH 10.5, pOH 3.0 has the highest hydroxide ion concentration, while pOH 10.5 has the highest hydrogen ion concentration.
2016-05-25 2:58 pm
Higher [OH-] gives a lower pOH.
2016-05-25 2:54 pm
nope. Lower pH means higher H ion concentration. Lower pOH means higher OH concentration.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:52:59
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