Do I have social anxiety?

2016-05-25 4:04 am
Do I have social anxiety? I am 14 and I hate school, not just because of the work, but because I feel like everyone there is judging me. I feel like everyone is constantly staring at me and I don't feel comfortable. I don't like public speeking, and never ever raise my hand even if I know the answer. I can order food without being super nervous, but when I buy something at the store I get very anxious and I don't like the feeling of my constant blushing face and sweatly palms. Do I have social anxiety? If so what do I do to help with it?

回答 (1)

2016-05-25 4:42 am
U ARE a child .
U are scared of unknown boogeyman ..
U wasting your time effort worrying about ZERO.
U screwing urself worry about what others think.
If you don't someone will put u on drugs and make money OFF u.
Know what where libraries are in ur country ?
Here libraries got section of books about Failures who choose to become Successful people - -- called Biographies.
READ them.
Being a scared child is part of Growing up.
So get over ur self centered stinking thinking and get growing up.
Libraries can help u.
參考: Exstreet person Employer now of uninformed kids thanks library card

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