So me and my friend found this rock and cracked it open... We found some white-yellow gem inside. Could it be a diamond?

2016-05-25 3:45 am

We looked at it under a microscope and we looked at all the charecteristics for a diamond...It sure did seem right..Can there just be a DIAMOND in my front lawn??????

回答 (3)

2016-05-25 11:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
More then likely it will be a Quartz,or a carbonate crystal and I'm just guessing here, maybe you found a geode. But I would like to know if it is a (rare diamond) of a carbon type . There are herkimer diamonds and there is a clear lake diamonds . But they are worthless comparison to a real diamond
2016-05-25 9:26 am
Not likely, but a picture would sure help.
2016-05-25 12:56 pm
my guess would be quartz unless you live in one of those very rare locations with a kimberlite pipe in the bedrock.

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