Why are women mediocre at everything they do?

2016-05-24 11:29 pm
Men either win or lose and women are nearly always at the half way line and are guaranteed MODERATE success.

回答 (9)

2016-05-25 7:41 am
Mediocrity seems to be their level. This probably explains most of their perceived wage gap. When I was a little kid, my father said nothing was "good enough", it had to be perfect! We know perfection can not be achieved, but it should always be our goal. Everything I've ever done, I've tried to be the best, and to do it as well as it could be done. Even if it was digging ditches or cleaning toilets. Women often call me a "perfectionist" and mean it as an insult!!!!!! Sad isn't it?
2016-05-24 11:53 pm
Are you sure about that, and knowing what each woman does on a daily basis, from saving a youngster all day long from hurting itself, and it's a job, to being named the best female singer of the year...mediocre, is somewhere in the middle, fair, and peaceful compared to living it every moment on the extreme. I rather cherish those moments of mediocre when they happen. Be it man or woman, I don't think we differ on the subject much.
2016-05-24 11:47 pm
you mean like when your mother raised you.
2016-05-24 11:43 pm
this is a stupid statement created with complete ignorance and biases. sorry you could eve have such an irrelevant thought as this. "women" is such a wide spread grouping and everyones different. I assume youre just some misogynistic cis male. I'm not going to define all males to your stupidity. I'm sorry you would have such a closed and small minded thought like this bro.
2016-05-24 11:32 pm
I have to disagree. Just like men, some women are excellent at the path they take in life.
2016-05-24 11:36 pm
What is the benefit to being more than mediocre for women? What is it? The only benefit that comes from anything is looking more beautiful than the next. Do you know who the richest woman in the world is? Oprah makes a billion but I don't think guys or anybody cares too much about her. Shes made a billion explaining to women about their problems.

And I don't think or hear any woman say oprah is their idol. Most women want to be somebody other people admire and want to be. So when it comes to success women don't strive harder because their is no reason to. Just keep up on their weight and looks and be decent and great things will come to them.

Not so fast when being a man. You actually have to work hard and have sort of luck. Its not lucky that a woman who looks good finds herself courtside in basketball games reporting or simply on the cover of a magazine. Well, not only luck.
2016-05-25 12:01 am
My Mom kicked my Dad's *** at giving birth.
2016-05-24 11:44 pm
WHY do some Men Ask such stupid Questions ?? Maybe it's because THEY'RE among the "Losers"- you Reflect ?! :o
2016-05-24 11:34 pm
Listen - if you are fair (which I doubt given the sexist tone of this question), you would have to admit most people are ordinary and have moderate success - men and women - that is the bell curve - most of us around the middle. There are those who excel but only a few and it's not all males either - see the link.

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