You may leave work early today _____ you report early tomorrow. (A) until (B)not only (C)since (D)only if 正確答案是C,請問為什麼不能選D呢~謝謝?

2016-05-24 8:15 am

回答 (7)

2016-05-24 1:22 pm
You may leave work early today only if you report (for duty) early tomorrow.


only if ... = 唯一的先決條件是....(假設的條件,如果現在或未來有可能發生時,if子句應用直述語氣的「現在簡單式」或「現在完成式」。說這話的人相信聽者有可能實現該條件,所以用「現在簡單式」。請參見《新世紀英漢辭典》p.696 if用法1)

since用在本句時的意思是「因為」,而所述理由report (for duty)是你明天才去實現的事,與主要子句裡現在所談的那件事有先後的時差,所以要用「未來式」(比現在晚):
... since you will report (for duty) early tomorrow.(因為明天你將會早點來,所以我同意你今天可以提早下班。)
2016-05-24 11:48 am
2016-05-24 9:55 am
既然用了you may,多數不用 only if
Only if 多數用來make deal
For example,
A:Can you report her after this?
B:Only if you give me that.
Example 2 (If B answer only if this time)
A:May I take a look with this?
B:Only if you give me that.
2016-05-27 9:15 am
You may leave work early today only if you report early tomorrow.

only if 意思是 "只有當……發生的話" 引導表示條件的副詞子句,雖是未來時態也用現在簡單式
就像 If the weather permits tomorrow, we will go hiking. 中的動詞 permit是用現在簡單式

C錯 You may leave work early today since you report early tomorrow.
應改為 You may leave work early today since you are going to report early tomorrow. 才對
since ... 有 "既然、由於" 的意思,它不是條件句,要配合tomorrow 使用未來式動詞 are going to report
2016-05-26 10:00 am
2016-05-24 9:08 am
(C) correct--since=因為....所以
(D)only if=只要0不過0結果..卻不料您不早到明天只能推測不合理.
2016-06-23 7:25 am
本句是 If 所引導條件句,所以即使是未耒發生,但碓定是事實,需以現在式代替未耒式。例如 the bus leaves at 7 pm. 即使車未駛離,但確定會開。
Since 當由於解釋時,則其發生時間要早於你可以提早離開,那刪去tomorrow就苻合邏輯了

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