I think I love my third cousin and she acts like she might be interested in me too?

2016-05-24 1:01 am
We have known each other for a while and we both have a lot in common. She is smart funny pretty and she teases me and flaunts herself at me then the moment I flirt back she will say but we are related. I have no idea what to do because while we are family its so far apart yet my entire family is really close and judgemental. I don t want to mess things up fore either of us. Any good nonjudgemental advice would be great.

回答 (4)

2016-05-24 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
You should both have a conversation about it. It is fine in terms of the distance of the relationship, but consider how your family might feel too.
2016-05-24 7:42 am
ask her for sex
2016-05-24 1:04 am
as far as the law morality and genetics are concerned there is nothing "wrong" with being with your third cousin you could even be legally married
2016-05-24 1:02 am

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