What are these numbers on my Bösendorfer piano?

2016-05-23 4:25 pm
I'm trying to find the Opus number of my family's antique Bösendorfer piano.

I saw these numbers printed on to the piano:

And this letter and number written on the wood below the keys (possibly in pencil):
R 6418 (or 6478, not too sure)

There is also a logo, which is a slightly rectangular box with the letters FS (?) in it. What could this logo be?

I can't seem to upload a photo of these numbers and the logo, but I'll try.

*I saw the numbers 900 and 19 printed inside the piano.

回答 (1)

2016-05-23 4:59 pm
FWIW, multiple websites suggest that this make of piano made serial numbers 491-3000 in the years 1841 - 1850. So if the 900 is its serial number, that gives you a fairly narrow range of when it was manufactured.

I'm not finding anything on the 19, or the numbers below the keys, or the FS marking.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:45:13
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