What is universe extrapolation?Do you think NASA has right to do "universe extrapolation" through other national without his/her permission?

2016-05-23 3:40 pm

回答 (5)

2016-05-23 6:19 pm
Yes, I think they have the right.
Indeed I do. They can extrapolate the universe all they want.
2016-05-23 4:01 pm
What are you talking about?
2016-05-24 11:08 am
yes , gone are the days of NASA , participation by other nations in isolation or by joint venture by scientific forums is the call of the time for the universe extrapolation where NASA also has realized its importance due to short duration , updated process and technology moving with large data mining
2016-05-23 9:23 pm
Oh yes. I'm all for universe extrapolation. Greatest invention since sliced bread.
2016-05-23 7:25 pm
Next time, do try to make sense.

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