Can you list 100 greatest man of 21st century in sorcery ?

2016-05-23 8:03 am

Do you find Lord Ashwani Kumar Ojha in mirror sorcery ?

回答 (5)

2016-05-23 8:11 am
You should not underestimate my magical powers. If you have doubt, come and see my magic show. Then you will know. Ashwani Kumar Ojha and myself studied together in Magic class.
參考: own
2016-05-23 8:05 am
100? Ain't nobody got time for that
2016-05-23 8:05 am
2016-05-23 8:04 am
Gandalf is the top.
2016-05-23 8:03 am
It must be Dumbledore!

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