I really don't like my stepmom. is there something wrong with me?

2016-05-23 2:43 am
I moved away from my emotionally abusive mom a few months ago and haven't heard from her since. I don't really get in trouble but today I forgot to put the conditioner back. she got mad at me, leaving me at home and taking my step brothers to arcades and fun places. she got back and started talking about how I don't safe stuff to anyone. and my dad agreed. I don't think she truly understands that being at that house really messed me up. while shes was saying this I blocked her out and she caught on. getting mad and storming upstairs. I'm crying in the bathroom idk whats wrong with me. am I just messed up in the brain

回答 (7)

2016-05-23 3:34 am
You aren't nuts, but apparently you mistakenly believe consequences/punishments are emotional abuse. That isn't the case. And it doesn't sound like you are being punished unfairly either. Your stepmom and Dad are just trying to teach you that you need to respect other people. If you borrow something it needs to returned. And when people are talking to each other, to not be rude. Its your choice to follow the rules or not, but if you don't there will be consequences and right now you have given your step mother another reason to give you more consequences so I advise you to apologize as soon as possible.
2016-05-23 3:18 am
Put the conditioner back.
2016-05-23 3:08 am
Grow the hell up and stop acting like a dumbass kid.
2016-05-24 8:44 pm
I don't think there is anything wrong with that at all not to like her and it is your choice if you like her or not, once you be respectful to her, you would be fine. Are there any friends that you can speak with about what happened with your mom though Or can you speak to a counsellor, if you ask your dad. Talking to someone would probably make you feel better and help you to work things through with your stepmom, so you would feel better about your stepmom as what happened with your mom may continue to impact how you see things.
2016-05-24 3:29 am
i dont think theres anything wrong with you, probably something wrong with her
2016-05-23 4:01 am
Sorry you're struggling. I'm not making excuses for your step mother, but maybe she's under a lot of pressure and has issues of her own, so she's taking it out on you and doesn't realize it?

If you're that impacted by your past, and your own mother, then talk with your dad about getting help. If you can't talk with him then talk to an adult you trust and respect - like the school counselor or a relative who is sensible. They will help you talk with your dad about some therapy - just ask for help. Therapy works when we work it, and it can help you to realize your mother was a sick individual, and that shitty was the best she could do at the time... because it's true. Just because a person is a mom doesn't mean they know how to be one. Developing some good, life coping skills and understanding that your mom has problems and doesn't know how to be a Mom, might help. Therapists are trained to help, and they want to. They are also human beings just like you and me, they have families and life problems of their own. So they understand more than we think!

take care and get the help you deserve
2016-05-23 2:45 am
there is nothing wrong with you, i hate my stepmom too

answer my question?

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