Bootycall life?

2016-05-22 11:05 pm
I'm really into this guy and have been all year. We were pretty good friends when he said he had feelings for me and we started kissing and everything. He wants to have sex and I said I'm not ready, which he totally respects. But lately when we meet up, all we do is talk for like 5 minuets and then hookup and do all the stuff. I'm realizing that I'm starting to be more of a bootycall instead of a relationship. How do I tell him I want a relationship and not just a hookup?

回答 (3)

2016-05-22 11:12 pm
Show him the level of concern by showing what you wrote as a question.
2016-05-22 11:10 pm
You can have sex with him, but you can't tell him this?
Please get some counseling for low self esteem.
You are a person to be valued, not used. Demand more for yourself.

Send him a text or an email and let him know you're done.
This isn't anyone treats anyone they care about. That includes you.
As long as you let this happen, it will. Tell him, and block him- from everything.
He isn't your friend.
2016-05-24 8:48 am
A minuet is an 18th century dance.

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