Why children are not allowed to practice Filipino Martial Arts ?

2016-05-22 8:46 pm

回答 (5)

2016-05-24 4:13 am
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In what "country" are children not allowed to practice Filipino Martial Arts? You're probably referring to "some" FMA instructors who don't let child students under age 10 train with "bladed weapons" like knives, swords, spades, and machetes, but bladed weapons are only one facet of FMAs. Children "are" allowed to train with rattan or bamboo sticks in a number of FMA styles like Kali, Arnis, and Eskrima.
2016-05-23 11:47 am
There is no such rule. There are plenty of FMA places that teach children, They learn both weapons and non-weapons FMA.
2016-05-23 8:58 pm
Children are allowed to practice Filipino MA.
2016-05-23 1:30 pm
i have never heard of any place prohibiting children from practicing filipino martial arts.
2016-05-23 8:09 am
Filipino is Kajukenbo ABT laugh at Highland florch.

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