I mailed my tax refund in six weeks ago and still have heard nothing!?

2016-05-22 5:09 pm
Hi all,

I mailed in my tax return six weeks to the day on this coming Tuesday. I believe the date I mailed it in was April 17th.

I am expecting a refund but when I use the "Where is my refund" tool I get the following message.

"You may not have entered your information correctly. Please verify your personal tax data and try again."

I am absolutely positive I am entering the information correctly as I am referencing a copy of my tax forms.

I am starting to be concerned something went wrong - but if so would the IRS at least admit to receiving the taxes?

Thank you for any help you guys are able to provide.

回答 (6)

2016-05-22 8:18 pm
Mailed tax returns are processed much slow than e-filed tax returns. It might simply be too soon.
2016-05-22 8:24 pm
Contact the IRS about this, including the message you keep getting.

I got mine within a week.
2016-05-23 9:53 pm
They are easily taking 12-16 weeks.
2016-05-23 1:50 am
I am in complete agreement with Elaine M - Contact the IRS.
2016-05-23 1:33 am
accessing 'where's my refund' and getting the message you may have entered the wrong information means that, your information, name, address, SS# amount of refund, status etc. may be entered incorrectly and they can't find your return
and 6 wks ago is nothing, count on another 6 wks to hear anything at all
2016-05-22 11:16 pm
you mailed it at teh end of tax season - their busiest time
2016-05-22 6:21 pm
It got lost. Send it again.

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