Is this racial discrimination?

2016-05-22 11:15 am
I was trying to sell an insurance plan to a guy. He's interested in hearing more so he scheduled an appointment. But he later said let's meet in a pub (he owns that pub) to talk about the plan

The problem is I'm a muslim and I cannot enter pubs.
My boss assigned the client to someone else, and he got all of the commission from the case.

回答 (15)

2016-05-22 11:18 am
No, its not racial discrimination.

For a start, Islam is a religion, not a race. Calling being a Muslim a race would be like calling being a Christian a race. Its not.
Second, you could have asked the client to meet elsewhere because of your beliefs. This was a situation you could have managed, but instead you decided that you couldn't do the job you were assigned, sdo it had to be given to somebody else in the company.
2016-05-22 11:22 am
All other things apart, as a Muslim you may not partake of alcohol.
This does not stop you from being in a place that sells it.
Your flawed logic would in fact prevent you from being in the U.K. at all (or in many other countries for that matter).
2016-05-22 11:17 am
No, its self administered refusal to work because of a myth.

Your god doesn't exist and if it does, shouldn't you be a suicide bomber ?

The Christian god doesn't exist either.
2016-05-22 2:04 pm
First, what "racism" do you feel occurred? Racism is discriminating against you based on your race. Islam is not a race, it's a religion.

And no, there was no discrimination based on your religious beliefs either. In fact, just the opposite - Your boss was honoring your religious beliefs by not forcing you to go against them. There is no legal (or moral) requirement to force a potential new customer to adhere to your beliefs, though.

At the very least, I would talk to your boss about if a "finders fee" is possible since you were the one to get the new client to discuss signing. This would not be as much as the commission, and would be a one time only payment (unlike a commission that could go on depending on other products the client purchases).
2016-05-22 2:17 pm
You can go into a pub, you just cannot drink any alcohol, i used to work with several muslims, they went to pubs all the time with the rest of their co-workers, they just used to drink water or fruit juices!
2016-05-22 12:56 pm
It is not racial discrimination - it is your religious beliefs and resolve to follow the, that held you back. Discrimination would have been where you were disallowed from taking that client. Instead, you refused on the basis of your beliefs. That is your right, just as it is the right of orthodox Jews not to work after sundown on Friday, or the Amish and Mennonites and other conservative Christians not to work on Sunday.

You are going to find many people of other religions who might wish to meet "over a beer". That means you are working either in a job or a region that perhaps isn't the best choice for you in terms of your financial success. Just as teens in school cannot fill a full schedule at a fast food place, you are not able to sell your product in the presence of liquor.

My best suggest would be for you to consider looking for a different sales job that is more onsite rather than meeting clients at places of their choice, or targeting customers with similar beliefs. You want to find a place where you can be most useful to your employer, and this instance shows a hole in your availability that will hold you back. Look for clients who would appreciate buying insurance from a rep who does not drink - that could be a plus with certain customers.

“Whoever believes in Allaah and the Last Day, let him not sit at a table where wine is being drunk.”
2016-05-22 11:24 am
Muslim is not a race. It could be religious discrimination, but when the customer said let's meet in a pub, couldn't you have asked him to meet somewhere else?
2016-05-22 11:31 am
Muslims can enter pubs, no one forces you to drink alcohol in them.
2016-05-22 11:44 am
That's not racism. You're choosing to have stupid religious views.

Btw...I know many Mormon friends who are Designated Drivers for their friends and they'll hang out at a bar.
2016-05-22 6:32 pm
1/ It isn't racial discrimination. It's your problem that you chose not to meet the customer where he wanted.
2/ There's nothing to stop a Muslim going into a pub. You've heard of orange juice?
2016-05-22 2:36 pm
No it is not. You cannot meet the client, so your employer sent someone who could.

Muslim is not a race, it's religion, you ought to know that.
2016-05-22 2:19 pm
Nothing to do with race at all, this is your restrictive religion and how YOU interpret it
2016-05-22 1:49 pm
It CAN'T be racial discrimination because Islam is NOT a race.
It isn't religious discrimination because YOU chose not to deal with the client, so the commission went to the person that actually did the work.
2016-05-22 11:38 am
It's called ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, you moron. However, you'll likely find sympathy from liberals who don't understand that simply fact.
2016-05-22 11:19 am
Nope not racial since anyone can be a Muslim, Catholic, Hindu etc... You "might" have a religious discrimination argument but I don't see it working.

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