Sleeping with a married man?

2016-05-22 5:54 am
Ok so i just asked this question this morning And vowed not to go through with it, but i just got a call from the married guy im seeing And he wants to go out for coffee after i get off work tonight! I havent slept with him yet but we aré both attracted to each other And i really want to. Only i feel bad for his wife And i dont want to be emotionally attached to him (which i am already) someone pls Tell me what horrible a person i am so i wont do this. I want him so bad

回答 (4)

2016-05-22 5:57 am
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2016-05-22 6:34 am
Sorry I could never call you a horrible person we don't choose who we like ----- he does not care about you he only wants sex with you ---- no matter how good you think it will be to have sex with him it will be unsatisfying because that's all it can be you will never have the real intimacy of lovers only a quick bit of sex that pleases him not you ---- there will never be anything more because he only wants sex
2016-05-22 6:12 am
Would you want a woman to hurt you by doing that behind your back with your husband if your rolls were reversed? Don't do it!
2016-05-22 5:59 am
Okay don't get attached to a married man. They are committed to someone else. What your doing isn't right but can be fixed. The guy you like isn't loyal enough to his wife if he's attracted to you. Using his time that he could have used on his wife. I know you may start to get attached. Just stick to being friends. If anything, if you end up being with him, he's going to to do the same thing he did to his wife. And you definitely don't want that.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:42:48
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