is having a mistress common in philippines? wife says yes and she would allow?

2016-05-22 5:07 am

she is the one that mentioned it.she has given me 4 children and says she inherits everything and i must love her more and mistress is just for sex and we provide for her a house and such. she loves me.i dont doubt that.just think she is tired of the sex and pawning it off on another?


also her father had a mistress and 3 children while with her mom and 7 kids.her mom and father still together and mistress and kids are looked down on by them.but not the father

回答 (7)

2016-05-24 9:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Income level? It is common for upper income business men to keep a mistress. Wife for the home, Mistress for away from home. Wives do not approve but know when to keep quit. It is kept out of sight.
2016-05-22 5:52 am
It is because you have a small d!ck.. Your unsatisfied wife wants you to spend more time with your mistresses so she can bring her bull lover home while you're gone
2016-05-26 3:59 am
Yes, it is common but to people who are sick in the heads. Very much common in very poor and populated areas as well as to very rich people, politicians and celebrities. Filipinos are good for breaking the law.
2016-05-22 9:45 am
Yes it is common. When the wife is the one that mentions it then she wants you to be happy so it will work (but explain each step you take & if any objection you must stop.
2016-05-24 4:47 pm
If your wife mentioned of 3 things is happening....#1...she has already cheated on you and doesn't want to feel guilty anymore....#2...She is testing your love for her...#3...She plans to divorce you for adultery and take all you have....."You can take that to the bank" can't be stupid enough to think that if you do she won't".
2016-05-24 7:43 am
It sounds like she was brought up to think that's ok. I still wouldn't do it unless you're okay teaching your daughters the same.
2016-05-22 5:13 am
Cool. That means she gets to sleep with another man, right?

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