Can my computer be fixed?

2016-05-22 4:43 am
I have the mid 2012 MacBook Pro 13 inch and yesterday i dropped it off my bed. It fell maybe 2 feet and killed my hard drive. I dont really care about losing my data as i have it backed up anyway. After the fall the computer turns on and tries to boot but makes this clicking noise until a file folder with a question mark appears. My apple care expired 2 years ago so im not even sure if they cluld help me if i paid them to. Whats wrong and what should i do?

回答 (2)

2016-05-22 5:23 am
What's wrong is that the hard drive is damaged an the computer can't boot off of it, that's why you're seeing the question mark.

You'll need to get the hard drive replaced. Apple probably will fix it, but they'll charge an absurd amount of money considering that it's a fairly simple task.

Here's a link to a guide on how to do this:

You can buy hard drives for pretty cheap. Around $35 for a 500Gb one to about $60 for a 1Tb one.
2016-05-22 9:34 pm
The drive is destroyed. You need to fit a new one and reinstall the operating system,

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:42:59
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