Feminists : What do you think of gender selective abortions?

2016-05-22 2:11 am
A woman's womb is exclusively her choice. No one can say anything about it. If she doesn't want to carry a female foetus, she doesn't have to - or does it not work that way?

回答 (16)

2016-05-22 4:56 am
I disagree with it, but I would not prevent it.

Her body her choice is not only for cases you agree with. The thing is, few women would abort a fetus specifically based on gender other than for medical reasons. If it was really common and was leading to a massive gender imbalance then governments would probably need to act to stop it, but that's never going to be the case.
2016-05-22 2:25 am
By the time the gender of most babies can be determined, abortions are no longer legally allowed. For instance, I was 20 weeks and the doctors ran an ultrasound and still weren't sure.
2016-05-22 2:13 am
Feminists are for male fetus only abortions, if it's female then the mother isn't allowed to abort it.
參考: Feminist bible
2016-05-22 2:18 am
I think it is a poor argument against abortion. There really isn't any hard evidence that this is happening in the US. I think it is just a backhanded anti-abortion argument, that needs to be dismissed as such.
2016-05-22 2:14 am
I think it's harsh to end an infants life based on its gender. If the gender didn't matter and you simply ended it's life because other reasons than I'd understand but because you simply 'don't want another girl' or even 'don't want a boy', is awful. Your kids are your kids. Gender is just part of nature, love is infinite.
2016-05-22 2:21 am
First, do you really think women are the ones wanting to select for males only? It is the men who are forcing that on the women. They are the ones who want boys (especially in China, where such abortions are fairly common).

It is a woman's choice, but it is a sad choice. Of course, if women had equal rights and equal opportunity, then maybe women would be more valued and less likely for a female fetus to be aborted.

Understand that we would rather have good, affordable access to birth control so abortions are not needed. That's the whole point of planned parenthood.
2016-05-22 2:36 pm
The issue here isn't the abortion.
It's the sexism.

I know pro-lifers and anti-feminists are dense as a lead brick, so I'll explain it to you nice and slow so that you can hopefully understand some of it.

Stopping a person from getting an abortion, when the entire reason they were getting that abortion in the first place was bigotry helps no one.
Forcing a person to have a child they are going to hate, neglect, and maybe even abuse does not help the child, does not help the pregnant person, and is not going to help anyone.

The only cure to bigotry is to treat the bigotry.

Trying to stop people from getting abortions based on that bigotry is going to lead them to doing horrible things.
They might try for illegal abortions.
They might abandon the baby (as in, actual born baby. I know pro-lifers tend to get that one confused, so.) out on the streets or in a trash can.
They may outright murder the baby (again, actual born baby.)

So, I mean, go ahead and proclaim to the world how great a person you are because you think we should force children into the lives of bigoted people who would do them harm.
I know you pro-lifers care more about thumping your chests with pride than actually caring about the people whose lives you effect.
2016-05-22 10:19 pm
Gender selection isn't just anti female u dumb@$$
2016-05-22 12:27 pm
The vast majority of abortions in the modern industrialised world, over 90% are carried out in the first 12 weeks, many weeks before it is possible to determine the sex.

Gender selective abortions only tend to happen in countries and cultures where girl babies are considered less valuable and where the women in that country or culture have less rights.

Which leads me to reasonably assume that very often it is not the woman who makes the decision to abort that child because it is female, but does so because of pressure and coercion from her husband.

However at the end of the day I believe that every woman should have the right to determine if, when and how many children she has, as long as it is her final decision.
2016-05-22 2:26 am
I think it should be studied further and one should update one's own knowledge and expertise on this subject. Let him first get a degree certificate in MBBS.
參考: own
2016-05-22 2:56 am
Hey, her body, her choice, right?
2016-05-22 2:11 am
its her choice what she wants to do
2016-05-22 5:35 am
Why is a woman's womb exclusively her choice? Isn't the womb a place for pregnancy? If so, a woman's womb is not only hers, it belongs to the unborn also.
2016-05-22 2:29 am
Dumbest **** I have ever heard. If abortion happened, it should be up to the man and woman considering it takes two to make. Girl shouldn't be a slut without the consequences. They say its the woman's choice because its her body, but the dumb ***** don't realize its not their life. Either way a study apparently claims that it increases woman's chances of breast cancer by 30% so, to any who do get abortions, get cancer please. But then again, I don't even know what the study is so it could be complete bull ****.
2016-05-22 2:25 am
That would truly be murder because gender is a social construct. You would have to be living for at least a few years outside of the womb in order for society to influence whether you feel like standing or sitting when you pee. So, aborting a human born for 3+ years, I think is murder, no?
2016-05-22 2:12 am
Abortion is about choice. I guess a woman could discretely abort because of the gender. Obviously if the woman was stupid enough to tell the doctor she didn't want her baby because of gender then she would be sent back. You can't discriminate against gender

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