2016-05-22 1:15 am
Last night I sat on a chair that my dad just sat on, he was only wearing underwear. I sat down and my upper thighs touched the chair. I got scared and ran to the shower. I took a hot/warm shower and washed myself with soap. I put my hands under the water to wash the soap off of them and then I reached down to itch right next to my privates. I saw there was something white on my finger. I'm so scared, I don't know if it was soap. I'm so scared that I got pregnant. I can't talk about this to my parents. This happened last night and now it's 5 in the afternoon. I'm so scared to the point I'm about to cry. I feel nauseous and my next period doesn't come around until the 14th of june. I don't know what to do and I don't know if it's just my anxiety acting up or not. Please help I'm so scared and by the way this is not a troll. I'm only a teenager and I'm scared.

回答 (6)

2016-05-22 1:17 am
Just stop. You aren't pregnant from sitting on a chair after someone who was wearing underwear.
2016-05-22 1:42 am
Chill! That white stuff you're talking about is discharge, which is what every girl gets before their period or when they're not on it.

I remember I had that scared feeling last year because I thought I was pregnant when that white stuff came out of me. I was stupid cause I've never had sex before but still thought I was pregnant lol.


You're not pregnant. In a few months you'll come back and laugh at this for thinking you were pregnant.

Note: everyone girl gets the white stuff A LOT. Don't think you're pregnant cause you're not
2016-05-22 1:26 am
You should not talk to your parents about this. They would have you committed involuntarily to a psychiatric facility.

This is a grotesque thought process you've got going here. This should be proof enough that whatever meds you are taking for anxiety, they aren't enough.

I'll be as vulgar as you've been. The only way you can get pregnant from your father is by having sex with your father. You are 17 years old and you know this already.
2016-05-22 3:06 pm
wtf???? unless you have sex with your dad (ew) you cannot be pregnant what the hell
2016-05-22 4:25 am
If you have to say "I'm not a (insert noun here)," then you probably are one.
2016-05-23 5:07 am
Do you REALLY think that your dad would be just leaking semen while he was sitting in a chair in his underwear? Are you THAT young and silly?
The "white stuff" you saw was your own natural vaginal discharge. Sometimes it appears white, and sometimes it is clear - it just depends upon where you are at in your menstrual cycle.

EDIT: I just now went back and read some of your other question. You said in one of them you are 17. If you're 17, then you're old enough to know all this stuff yourself. Not only that, this is the 5th time you have asked if you could get from by touching a chair that your dad had been sitting in or by touching his pants hanging on the knob in the bathroom.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:43:46
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