Will I get fat eating 1 pizza?

2016-05-21 8:15 pm
So up until 2 weeks ago I had been dieting but stopped because I had college exams coz I am 17. I just ate an entire large dominos pizza to myself.

What damage have I done?

回答 (5)

2016-05-21 8:16 pm
mate I just ate a whole box of krispey kremes, I usually eat around 3500 calories a day to bulk up my physique, ive easily eaten 10 000 today, but it doesn't matter because I don't do it everyday, and neither should you do it everyday, just eat the damn pizza
2016-05-21 9:29 pm
barely any damage (on a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is really bad damage, I'd rate you at 1). I actually recommend having such a meal (high-carb cheat meal) every 10 days as extended periods of dieting result in the decrease of leptin levels, a hormone critical for fat loss.
2016-05-21 9:17 pm
No damage but make sure you eat 3 balanced so you don't eat a whole pizza oh and take your vitamins and try on clothes, play fashion show w/ music and try on your loose stuff and tight items, clothing and a scale is the best indicator. Pls. keep in mind that you are a growing girl. 3500 calories is 1 pound the pizza was at a minimum made you gain 1 lb.
2016-05-21 8:32 pm
You'll look like an alien craft
2016-05-21 8:20 pm
will you gain weight from eating a large pizza? No. but you will if you keep doing it on a regular basis for a good few weeks. (if you want to eat a large pizza to yourself now and than, go for it but don't do it too frequent)
2016-05-21 8:18 pm
Is the pizza 20 feet long? No? Probably not then lol. One meal won't make you fat.

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