My friend got this death threat from someone ands they knew her name.?

2016-05-21 7:49 pm
Let's just call her Sarah for now but the person that texted her knew her name and the email is
[email protected]
They said this:
There is a killer on the loose
in your area. Close your windows
and lock
your doors. Because I'm coming
for you next Sarah! :)

In that exact format and spacing

回答 (3)

2016-05-21 7:57 pm
Call the police. Though the police can't do much. If your gf is really scared, she should carry a pepper spray at all times and may be arm herself.
2016-05-21 7:57 pm
If your friend fears for their life, have them take it to the police. They may or may not take it seriously, but they can track them easily enough with email and phone number.
2016-05-21 7:54 pm
Who cares. This is clearly a pretty lame joke.

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