Dangerous heart rate?

2016-05-21 7:40 pm
I m 15 years old, in good health, I work out/run almost every day year round, and I have good blood pressure, around 110/60. One thing that concerns me is my high pulse rate, what can be a cause of that? Can I do anything to help that? My resting heart rate is between 80 and 100 on average.

回答 (4)

2016-05-21 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ask a Doctor!
2016-05-21 7:42 pm
Your resting heart rate isn't high, it seems normal.
2016-05-21 7:42 pm
Thats healthy
2016-05-21 7:42 pm
60 to 100 beats per minute is normal -_-

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