How to get over childhood bullying?

2016-05-21 6:35 pm
I have depression with psychotic symptoms because of the unbearable physical, emotional and sexual torture I endured in school. It started when I was in the nursery and ended when I left the sixth form. I did everything possible to stop it, but all efforts came to nothing. I self-harm regularly and have attempted suicide in the past. How do I recover from what they've done to me. It's all I can every think about.

回答 (4)

2016-05-21 7:39 pm
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A therapist could really help, but at the very least start loving the child within you and forgiving that child for anything he's done. He was a boy who simply did not have the understanding, skills, or knowledge to deal with such terrible events. He responded like anyone else would to abnormal events. It also might be worth considering that many bullies act out behaviors on others that their fathers, brothers, or someone else acts on out them, and that those who bully often lose the ability to develop the level of compassion required to live happy lives Learn from what happened to you to be a kinder, more compassionate person, and start by practicing that on yourself. If you do that, you might find that your place in this world is to help others who are in emotional distress. Love yourself, and see your experiences as terrible, but nonetheless contributing to you in some ways. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said that which does not destroy us makes us stronger. And the psychologist Viktor Frankl said that we don't know our destiny until we face the unique challenges that life puts us through. You've faced some terrible times; if you forgive yourself and are kind to yourself, your life will only get better. But, really, you have work to do, and I think a therapist could be really helpful, especially if you were willing to build a trusting relationship with that therapist over time.
2016-05-23 5:33 pm
Find them and assault them very badly.abuse them as much as you can.beat them up until you feel satisfied.let them feel that feelings which you had experienced.I swear you will feel not let them go at any cost.why are you punishing yourself for those b@stard's deeds.teach them a big lesson.
2016-05-23 5:15 pm
first of all, why do you hurt yourself just because you were sexually and verbally abused? you clearly have a low self-esteem, but you aren't too far gone if you're asking for help.
don't try to figure out why they did what they did to you. you'll eventually figure out that it wasn't your fault, and was just because of their personal perversions. YOU don't need any help, it is those idiots who do...
hopefully none of that is still happening. if it is, you should tell someone, like the Principal or a trusted teacher. if not then you can be free to live your life out as you see fit. remember that you life is only as good or bad as you make it. don't be afraid to go for and achieve your goals. they are there if you have the ambition...
2016-05-21 10:29 pm
"Vitamin D and the omega-3 fatty acids control serotonin synthesis and action"
"Suicidal patients are deficient in vitamin D"
"Mg deficiency intensifies adverse reactions to stress"
"Magnesium deficiency induces anxiety"
"Rapid recovery from major depression using magnesium treatment."

Low Serotonin & aggression

It may be especially important to strive to avoid overstimulating media such as pornography.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:45:06
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