Are eggs meat or something else?

2016-05-21 5:39 pm

回答 (16)

2016-05-22 10:02 am
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They are not meat, neither are those sold for eating embryonic chickens, they are infertile as the hen which laid them will not have been anywhere near a rooster. To the birds they are just a waste product, therefore many, if not most vegetarians will eat eggs and/or products containing eggs, many will specify only free-range/cage-free eggs. Vegans however do not eat eggs or egg products.
2016-05-21 7:33 pm
I'm not sure that you are serious - surely no one can be this lacking in knowledge. No, eggs aren't "meat".
2016-05-22 7:47 pm
It's dairy food and has lots of proteins in them. very good for you to eat everyday if you cook them right.
2016-05-21 11:45 pm
eggs are not considered meat. eggs are a source of protein.
2016-05-21 5:59 pm
No, eggs are protein not meat.
2016-05-21 5:40 pm

edit ....OK if its not chicken then what is it ........whoever gave me the TD ?
2016-05-22 2:11 am
Meat is the flesh of an animal. Eggs are not the flesh of an animal.
2016-05-25 1:14 pm
eggs are not meat. they are protein but a different kind than that found in meat.
2016-05-24 7:16 pm
For some mysterious reason, eggs are often considered to be dairy products.
2016-05-23 7:54 am
eggs are protein not meat.
2016-05-23 4:39 am
A protein
2016-05-22 1:50 pm
Egg comes from chicken, chicken is meat, but egg is unfertilized and is considered as a period. it is protein.
2016-05-22 2:07 am
they have the same nutrition as meat.
2016-05-21 6:42 pm
Ofcourse, especially buffalo eggs
2016-05-21 5:49 pm
eggs are not meat. they are fowl
2016-05-21 6:08 pm
They're chicken periods. So sort of.

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