EU Referendum: Remain or Leave?

2016-05-21 2:03 pm
I can't make my mind up. Both camps just seem to chat ****. Aside from your usual TAKE R COUNTRY BAK CLOSE DA BORDERS, what are everyone's thoughts?

回答 (20)

2016-05-22 11:37 am
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So much mis-information floating around. To the point that I'm as confused now as I was at the outset.

Fact - NOBODY knows what might happen should we leave the EU. Britain may be better off going it alone, as we have in the past - much as it was felt a good idea to get into a Common Market originally. Britain might be sidelined massively by other European countries if we leave. I wish it was so cut and dried that we'd know what might happen outside the EU. The EU might collapse although that might be the British thinking are more important in the scheme of things, than we really are.

"Personally, I'm still more of the opinion that we are better supporting the Devil we know, than cutting and going with the Devil we don't. At least if we keep a foot in the door, we have a say.

What I didn't sign up to with the Common Market, was Brussels taking over everything British. What was the point fighting two WWs?"

Copied from a post /answer I've just made - it's just as relevant.
2016-05-21 5:25 pm
2016-05-21 4:08 pm
I want my country I will vote leave.
2016-05-22 1:03 am
We once were proud and British
But now we’ve been enslaved
I hope we leave those EU bitches,
Globalism is depraved!
2016-05-22 6:24 am
we must leave to stop the islamic plague taking over a Beautiful Little island
2016-05-21 10:45 pm
Leave. I can't stand the EU. It is completely destroying European countries and none of what they have done makes any sense, other than it has all been done deliberately to keep the people down. The EU has allowed thousands and thousands and thousands of unknown people to flood into Europe. Since when did illegal immigration stop being illegal? Who would vote to stay with an organisation that would do that?

I couldn't imagine anyone voting to stay in because they really honestly think it is best for the country and its people.
2016-05-21 3:16 pm
I'm voting leave simply because it will be more fun to see Cameron et al squirm.😀
2016-05-21 2:45 pm
Leave, this is a choice you should make with perspective, what has happened so far with the EEG, and EU? At first there was a trade-bubble, but it also sped-up Outsourcing, and a systematic selling-off of British Self-Reliance.
The last 10 years(since 2004, with the expansion into Eastern-Europe) the trade-bubbles popped, the cost of the EU has multiplied, and Guest-Workers sped-up, so we're removing jobs at speed, and in a Consumer-Driven economy, that will crash hard.

With TTIP coming around, that loss of jobs will continue, the cost of the EU will go up, and to pay for it, the Citizens will be taxed-more. That's a bad dynamic, that's a dynamic that has no mathematical, or economic upturn, it's a long, steady downward spiral, and that's not the future the UK, or Europe should want.

Leaving would cause a small shock, but if the Government listens to it's advisors those effects will be fixed within 12-18 months, if we stay it's all going downhill, and continue to go downhill when you look at the plans economically.
2016-05-21 2:21 pm
2016-05-21 11:45 pm
2016-05-22 12:18 am
the EU is a dangerous institution out of dmocratic control, it has destroyed the real economy of Europe and the society as well. It has created hatred between the European nations. It is controlled by lobbies with budgets of billions euros to get the laws they need.
I'm not British, I'm EU citizen of another country. I have been reading a lot about the treaties and the history of the EU, their project and plans and it is scaring.

I'm sad that many British are not taking this referendum seriously, maybe it is a wrong impression or maybe it is because you think the outcome doesn't matter and you will remain anyway one way or another.
2016-05-21 4:20 pm
the devil you know etc etc....
2016-06-21 1:33 am
All British people will vote EXIT
The EU is a dictatorship funded by the same banking families that funded Adolf Hitler. If you vote for the EU you cannot claim to be British. You are urinating on the graves of the brave men and women who gave their lives in two world wars.
2016-06-01 3:10 am
Stay, considering that no one really knows what's going to happen when we leave the EU, it might just be best if we stay, should something happen to the British economy when we leave, we're going to be on our own, not to mention that we get no import taxes when importing things from other EU nations and we get "free" travel between EU countries..
2016-05-22 3:38 pm
Neither. It makes little if any difference to the vast majority of people whether the UK is in the EU or not. Wages system, class ownership, production for profit, super-rich 1% - that will be the same in or out of the EU.
2016-05-22 10:22 am
2016-05-21 9:26 pm
Vote remain and you'll get a year or two extra time before WW3. Use it wisely.
2016-05-21 4:58 pm
don't mind if we are inside the EU tent p-ssing out or outside the EU tent p-ssing in. I just like to p-ss
2016-05-21 2:50 pm
Stay. It is too late to leave, you have already given everything away.
2016-06-20 8:32 pm
remain definitely

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