Need some words of encouragement.?

2016-05-21 1:11 am

I have nobody and no life whatsoever. I have a really toxic family and they are holding me back from self improvement. I will be living in my car from this day foward.

I have a job that makes little money but it is also ending in about 40 days. I may pick up another job that's temporary also.

I can no longer live in this house, they are verbally abusing me daily. I took for too long. I am just ready to move on with my life and let go. I have a car.

I will be sleeping in Walmart's parking lot TONIGHT and maybe for a few weeks after that.

I need a plan. I want to move to Philadephia for college and there are a lot of live in home health care positions there. Should I take the 3 week course and go that route?

Anyone think I will make it without my fsmily? Any stories. Thank you

回答 (5)

2016-05-21 8:45 pm
yes, stay in a shelter while youre taking the course, a lot more comfortable than a car
2016-05-21 1:48 am
Sounds awful, you need a true change
2016-05-21 1:45 am
Don't be impulsive. Having a roof over your head is far more important than
having "a life." Secure a new job before living in your car.
Then plan your escape.
2016-05-21 1:35 am
Many of us do far better without our families. You can hardly do worse.
2016-05-21 1:18 am
idk. maybe you could get a used rv and live in a rv park for cheaper than apartment rent. that way you'd be mobile but also have ok living conditions

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