How do I gently let my wife know that our marriage is over if our next child isn't a boy?

2016-05-21 12:25 am
I love my wife, but for seven years all I wanted from her was a son and instead got 4 daughters. This issue has caused no end to problems in our marriage I'm fed up and at the end of my rope with this now. Right now I'm living apart from her with my partner. A year ago I had a fling with the waitress at the local diner, and guess what? Strong healthy boy on the first go with a woman I didn't even have feeling for then. And yet the woman I took to be my eternal companion can't manage that much for me, just once, in spite of the home and luxuries I've provided for her.

No more. If she can't give me a son, I'm leaving her permanently for the woman who did. However, like I said-- Even though I don't approve of the progeny my wife has provided me, I do have love for her. So if possible I'd like to break this to her as gently as possible, so that if we can't be lovers, we may at least be friends.

回答 (257)

2016-05-23 3:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
just tell her over tea
2016-05-21 7:31 pm
Here's a quick lesson about chromosomes, buddy. Females have Xx chromosomes, males have Xy chromosomes. That's how you know which sex a baby is when you look at the chromosomes. Females can only give an X chromosome when they have children. Males, however can give both an X and Y chromosome. If males give an X chromosome, then the child will be a girl, if they give a Y chromosome, then the child will be male. Therefore, it's not up to your wife to "give you a son", it's up to whether or not YOU give an X or Y chromosome. It's honestly disgusting how you could want a divorce just because next child isn't a boy. Besides the fact that you'll be hurting your wife over something that she cannot control, imagine how unwanted your daughters will feel when they realize that they are not the sex you wanted them to be.
2016-05-21 7:37 pm
What are you? Some king who wants a son to take his throne once you pass? You should love your children no matter what gender you are and you should respect your wife for giving birth four times and feeling 57 units of pain when the average person should only feel 45! She felt that amount of pain and probably even more four times and is going to again soon and you're butthurt because you want a son?? Grow up and love your wife and children! Do you think they'll be fine with this? Do you think you can just walk away from them? No you can't! Those poor girls will have to learn that you didn't want them because they weren't boys and feel so hurt and alone! Every child needs their father in their lives and, even if you are, they will still remember why you betrayed them and their mother. If you're fine with that, then you're one selfish prick.
2016-05-21 3:57 am
how do I gently let you know that having no boys is your own fault? the father is the one who determines the baby's sex, because it depends on whether you give an X or a y. so, if you're mad because you can't have a boy, you have only yourself to blame. but it's really rude for you to want a divorce just for than, anyway. it's none of my business, but it seems you and your wife have some things you need to work on.
2016-05-22 11:21 am
You sound too rude and ignorant, I honestly don't know how you're still alive, I thought someone this thick didn't survive to see their 30s, I thought they'd die from some dumb reason. If you aren't a troll you clearly have an abnormal frontal lobe. Did your mother drop you on the floor head first when you were born? Or do you have cancer that have spread to your brain? You must have a serious condition of some sort to not be able to understand that It's not up to anyone which gender an unborn child will be. Dogs, cats, birds and even fish understands that and accept their offspring as they come, why can't you?
2016-05-22 3:10 am
Just saying, leaving your wife for not having a son is not a moral, reasonable, or even logical thing to do. First of all, she doesn't control what gender your child is, your sperm does. She can't control what gender BOTH OF YOUR children are, despite the "home and luxuries" you've provided her. You have to get over the fact, that YOU are at fault in this ridiculous situation, which shouldn't even be a problem. If you care so much you should just adopt. Then you could chose the gender.
2016-05-21 6:11 am
Um how do I gently let u know that its ur damn sperm fault for not giving ur wife a boy or should I say dis Wtf seriously!Wht's ur problem?! COME ON!You'll actually leave ur own beloved wife when it's not her FAULT just cus da next child won't be a boy?Ur pathetic! Honestly,that is da most stupidest reason I ever heard just to leave her like that other than her being a cheater. It shouldn't really matter dat has nothing do to with ur marriage u seem like a very selfish person who's unhappy with urself.So what's wrong with having 4 daughters huh?Aren't they all healthy?Then that's a blessing other than having no children at all why won't u just adopt a boy?Ever heard of that adopting a kid?Since ur da one being negative problem solved duh what a ingrorant husband who's ungrateful.At least appreciate be thankful that ur wife was able to have kids unlike some other women who can't have any children when they wish they could regarding da gender of a child.Blame it at ur sperms not ur wife.
2016-05-21 12:34 am
Are you serious? What age do you live in? Do you honestly believe she chooses to give you girls each time she carries one of your children for 9 months and then goes through a painful labor? Don't you think she wants to give you a son. She doesn't have a say in what the sex is of your child. You can only keep trying. If that is the problem she can't give you a son then you need to go. Because any woman being able to give you life not once but three times you should be worshipping the ground she walks on! How fair is that to her? To be left because she can't choose the sex in the child she bares. I'm sure she wants a boy to please you but arent you happy with three little girls? Come on man. Keep trying its your wife. You got a boy from someone else, who says it will never happen with your wife?
2016-05-21 6:32 am
You stupid man! Its men who decide the sex of their children, not women. Men carry 'X' and 'Y' genes in their sperm. If a sperm carrying a 'Y' gene fertilises the women's egg, a boy will be born; if an 'X' sperm fertilises the egg, a girl will be born. Get educated you dumb stupid idiot and then get sterilised because being such a fool renders you unfit for fatherhood. Actually I think given what a pathetic specimen you are your wife would be so much better off without you for a husband.
2016-05-21 6:53 pm
You shouldn't be a father in the first place. The values you hold are ancient. Don't say you love your wife, you don't. She has been through childbirth 4 times and still face your ridiculous criticism. Your daughters must be disgusted that they have a cheating father, soon they'll be calling you a sperm donor. Look at what you're saying man.
2016-05-22 4:33 am
I hope that if this child is not a boy, your daughters see how disgusting you are and don't have anything to do with you. You're a pathetic excuse for a man...cheating on your wife and getting another woman pregnant and now saying you'll leave her if she doesnt "give you" a boy. Absolutely disgusting. She should have left your *** a long time ago
2016-05-22 1:44 pm
It's not her fault if the child is a boy or not! I can't believe someone would end a marriage over something she doesn't even have control over! Do you think she purposely chooses that the children are girls!!! NO!
She's probably better off without you!
2016-05-21 4:22 pm
I say you need to study up on basic biology to learn that in human reproduction, it's the man's genetic contribution that determines the sex of a child. In other words, if your next child isn't a boy, it's YOUR fault.
2016-05-22 2:00 am
Male sperm swim faster but tire out and die quicker, while female sperm swim slower and live longer. There are also usually more male sperm in the semen. So if you keep having females, that means that YOUR PENIS IS SO SMALL that all of the males are tiring out before reaching the egg. I wouldn't leave your wife because you want a boy, because the chances are that any women you impregnate will most likely have a girl. I would leave your wife because you seem like a big douche and she deserves better. Make sure to pay child support for those daughters!! :)
2016-05-23 7:12 am
Just saying, leaving your wife for not having a son is not a moral, reasonable, or even logical thing to do. First of all, she doesn't control what gender your child is, your sperm does. She can't control what gender BOTH OF YOUR children are, despite the "home and luxuries" you've provided her. You have to get over the fact, that YOU are at fault in this ridiculous situation, which shouldn't even be a problem. If you care so much you should just adopt. Then you could chose the gender.
2016-05-22 12:39 am
So you don't mind ruining not only your wifes live but the lives of your 4 daughters because you only care about what you want?

What the hell is wrong with people now a days - be happy with your marriage and love your daughters, if not - then you don't deserve to be a father, husband....or even alive
2016-05-21 12:38 am
That's funny when it's the sperm that decides the gender. So actually it's your fault
2016-05-22 2:36 pm
Why does it matter if you have a boy or not? What's the big deal? I'm thinking you must live on a farm and need someone to run it who has muscles (?)....Next thing. Why would your wife even want to be friends with you after the way you have treated her. You are not worthy of her friendship. You lack love in your heart. You're not much of a friend.
2016-05-23 7:48 am
I think you are a troll. If your story is true, you are nuttier than a fruitcake. You don't truly love your wife. A loving husband wouldn't leave his wife because she didn't give him a son. Also, he wouldn't have an affair. You should be happy that you have four daughters. They are your children, and you should love them. Your children are not items that you bought at a store. You cannot return them. Stay with the waitress. You have the son you wanted. Your wife should start a new life. She deserves a decent man.
2016-05-22 10:39 pm
What kind of selfish pig crap is that! Maybe your kind shouldn't reproduce. Just tell your wife the truth so you can divorce and not worry being friends with her or not. You are only worried that the child support will be awful and that's why you want to be friends. You only half way care about being a father anyways. Just divorce, pay your support and get out of their lives. They will be better off without you.
Maybe you will get lucky and change your heart someday when you realize how self centered you are. ONLY then let yourself go near those girls and that boy. :)
2016-05-21 12:34 am
It appears that you do not love anyone but yourself. Your wife surely knows this and is likely prepared for your declaration of evacuation. If you hate woman as much as it appears you do, your wife and daughters will benefit from your departure. Tell her that you're leaving for a loveless union which involved a child with a penis.
2016-05-22 7:36 pm
Usually I don't answer to any queries. But your question need a special attention. U have digged your own grave. Mostly everyone hav already told what I have in my mind, but I want to tell you my opinions after reading ur query. First of all boy is not a superior being of any sorts. U would have not born if your mother, being a woman had not carried you in her womb. U want to gently let ur wife kno, because u "so called" love her? Let me tell you 1 thing. If u love her, u will support her, help her with the burden you have caused by having four children and work harder to meet your finances. BE SENSIBLE. U hv already cheated ur wife by having extra matital affair. What's d difference between animals and you, because even after having a wife, you seek another woman's company. I pity your wife. How shattered you will feel if you want to be in this relationship and your wife gently tells she doesn't want you because u r no good in giving her a son?
2016-05-21 2:48 pm
Are you serious!? You don't love this woman. If you did you would be happy with the 4 wonderful and amazing daughters you do have. I wish I could tell your wife what a scumbag you are!

And FYI,your sperm decides the sex. Your sperm are XY and women only have X. So depending on which one enters the egg the child will either be XX(girl) or XY(boy)

Get over yourself and be happy you have any kids with this woman.
2016-05-22 8:48 pm
You should change that question to "How do I tell my wife I am leaving because I have a massive ego and I need to pay shedloads of child support to the woman I actually love so that I can go a live with someone I don't really love or respect" While you're at it see if you can get a life at the same time !!! T**t
2016-05-22 6:49 pm
Well Girls also are very precious than boys. Think of it you have a wife and four girls but many people don't even get that kind of happiness and it's not her fault that she couldn't give birth to a boy. It's your chromosomes. And if you want a boy that much then why don't you adopt a boy. By doing this you'll make an orphan boy happy in return he will give you happiness.
2016-05-22 1:41 pm
One word "delusional" it's with this mind-set that you can have or do whatever you want that has placed you in the position you're in today. Both these women also appear to be extremely stupid for putting up with such an a**ole such as you. So, you dead beat. If she doesn't already feel that it's over based on the present circumstances that you've left her in with the four girls, it's only a matter of time before she gets sick of you.
2016-05-22 11:41 am
Just let her know the truth - you are ignorant, unfaithful and just plain well....say to her she deserves so much better. Reassure her that its YOUR fault and not hers.
Let her know she can have anything she wants or needs. That you will always look after her and YOUR children.
That you are chronically unhappy because YOU aren't able to father a Son (chances are that fling's bubs isn't yours- just happened to screw her at the same time as someone else who COULD father sons). Let her know you realise that you are being a total jerk, but can't seem to control how you feel.
That you need to leave before your daughters realise that you find them inferior beings, and pass on inferiority complex on to them, and damage them for life.
Maybe after all that she might come to the realization that it might just be better for her and the girls to have you out of their lives.
2016-05-21 2:29 am
Odds were that your next child would have been a boy no matter who you impregnated. Did you ever take a science class in high school? The sex of a child is determined by the MAN'S sperm. Period. Period.
2016-05-21 1:08 am
You should be disappointed in yourself as your sperm decides ....
2016-05-21 1:06 am
YOU..... and you alone... as THE MALE... are totally responsible for the gender of the child..... that is BIOLOGICAL FACT........ you are... if you are not just a low life troll.... if you are posting fact..... you are something YA will not permit to be posted....... there are no words strong enough to state how low of a life form you are....... Your wife and daughters will be far better off without you..... and I hope the state hits you with the absolute maximum support..... for life.....
2016-05-23 12:51 pm
You may have heard the old saying "it takes a real man to father a girl-child". This refers to the fact that female sperm are fewer than male sperm but survive longer in the vagina (48 hours against 24). So if you are "a real man" you will have sex more often and build up over a few days, a greater number female sperm. If you have sex less often, then the greater survival rate of female sperm will not outweigh the originally greater number of male sperm. So, clearly what has happened is your fault for having had sex too often. Reduce it to just once a month, as close as possible to when she ovulates, and you increase the odds in favour of a boy. Then she could have a scan as soon as the sex can be known, and get an abortion if you've had the bad luck still to have a female. This would be illegal were either of you stupid enough to let the scanner or any other health care worker know what you were up to. Traditional moralists will be outraged but you have all my sympathy, or rather your unborn child has. My life was ruined when I arrived with the wrong gender (i.e. wrong not just from what my parents wanted, but what all my extended family had actually expected--because both my parents' several siblings were all of the desired gender. That has convinced me that no one should be allowed to be born to parents who do not want them, whether this is due to gender preferences, or any other characteristic of the child. Most parents are not all that rigid, but I am talking purely about those with an all consuming preference, however unfortunate or misplaced that may be, or whatever its rationale.
2016-05-25 5:56 am
Can I just say how stupid you sound right now, like no offence but you married this women for a reason not just because you wanted her to give you a son. Like a women can't control of when she what's sex the baby should be so if you really loved you would accept that. To tell you the truth I grew up with 5 sisters and no brothers and yet my father is still with us. You're jerk and really stupid I mean making a women feel like!
2016-05-24 7:05 pm
Someone needs to go back and study biology. Its the MALE the determines the sex - so buddy YOU are the one that is not producing the sperm that carries the Y gene that determines the sex of the child.

To base your marriage on the sex of a child, is very selfish and wrong. If you can't appreciate your 4 daughters, then YOU have the problem - not your wife. And I hope she takes you to the cleaners and you will be paying child support for your 4 children till they ALL are over 18 yrs old - think about it.
2016-05-24 6:49 pm
Omg. I feel sorry for your wife and daughters. You sound awful. They deserve better, as does the other woman you mention.
And by the way, it's the father & his sperm that determine the sex of a child, so that's down to you, mate.
There's also a theory that male babies are conceived after a (female) orgasm & female babies after a lack of one. It's probably just a myth, but you might want to think about it; maybe you're just generally a really, really, really crap lay & you got lucky with this other woman.
2016-05-23 8:45 pm
What. If you love your wife yoydyou'd be happy for whoever she gives birth to its not her fault if she has girls, she can't control it. Maybe you should be less selfish and care for her and her children. Just be great fun that she is willimg to go through labour the most painful thing for you and a child
2016-05-23 7:46 pm
2016-05-23 2:39 pm
Is this a joke? If you have the knowledge to use a computer you should have the knowledge to know that YOU are the trigger for having a daughter / son and not your wife.
2016-05-23 2:38 pm
Really! Heres your best answer then.
Youre a total scumbag, you know nothing about love for your wife and your unfortunate daughters to have a bigot sexist religeous nut case for a father.
Anyone who even slightly supports your ideas is the same as you,
At the very least go and get yourself castrated, I wont tell you what you should really do to yourself for having the gall to ''share'' your thinkings.
2016-05-23 10:44 am
I have to agree with you on this one, you should definitely leave your wife.
Not for the reason you are suggesting but because you are an obvious moron. I hope she finds someone who appreciates her for everything she does, i'm sure she's a wonderful woman and she deserves a lot better than the likes of a person with your mentality. Treat her like a queen or make room for someone else to do so.
2016-05-23 9:56 am
Are you serious?you have 4 beautiful daughters and you have a wife who's there for you?put her body through 4 pregnancys all you wanted from her where a son?????Is the mans sperm that decides the sex of the baby you memory????poor her ,also feel sorry for the woman on the side...does your wife know your in another relationship?i know I wouldn't want my man if he'd got up to funny business.shame upon the right thing and leave your wife to find a proper man.
2016-05-23 5:18 am
You're pathetic
2016-05-23 3:11 am
Think about it; she lead you down this path knowing that you need a son to pass on your family name and to bring a shred of respect to your household... She doesn't deserve to be let down gently. She hates you and you should give her a taste of her own medicine
2016-05-23 1:46 am
**** her and all ur daughter then kill
2016-05-23 1:07 am
I must say that, this is a stupid question and something so STUPID for you to hurt your wife! Were you dropped on your head? Are you like retarded or something? Because I'm thinking you're just as stupid as what you're saying! It's people like these that ******* piss me off! She should've left your *** a long time ago. And the waitress that had the boy, I feel so bad for her. Hopefully she leaves your dumb @$$
2016-05-23 12:43 am
Leave over the gender of a baby?! You know you can just adopt! Plus you shouldn't be mad about that!!
2016-05-22 4:16 pm
Look, what kids you have is determined by "your" DNA and not hers. You are the problem here if you don't get a son. Maybe the partner was sleeping with someone else just to give you a boy and convince you to come her way. Now that you have a son (even by another woman) if you still love your wife then stay with her.
2016-05-22 2:42 pm
I hope she rakes you over the coals, when she divorces you.
2016-05-22 10:49 am
Are you kidding me?
You think she can choose between a boy and a girl? Grow up, she can't decide what she wants!
Have you thought of your kids? Do you know what could happen if their parents split apart?
Your wife will be depressed after delivery, and you want her more depressed? I can't believe this!
Im not married and I know one day I will be in the delivery room and I will be happy to be a father, no matter boy or girl!
Again, think about your kids...
2016-05-22 8:31 am
2016-05-22 1:18 am
Who the hell do you think you are? Henry VIII?
2016-05-21 10:39 pm


2016-05-21 8:28 pm
Fuc*ing troll. Shame the women on here cannot see that!
2016-05-21 7:38 pm
Sure, you can gently break up with her by negotiating a deal - provide her a large parting financial gift (house, car, and money) as well as child support for the children until they are 18 years old.
2016-05-21 5:08 pm
King Henry VIII Is that you?
2016-05-21 7:04 am
Judging from the responses, I must
congratulate you on your trolling.
Well done.
2016-05-21 12:53 am
A baby's gender is determined by the father:
2016-05-21 1:38 pm
Grace be with you, my brother!

Get quote her Holy Bible:
"Some women can not give sons to their husbands. These women should let they husbands so that they can get women who will give them male successor. It is a sin to die as a married men without male successor".

She will understand. You had more than enough patience with her. I got male sucessor after 5 divorces and 5 daughters.
2016-05-21 11:33 am
I hope your wife has a great pair of runners so she can get outta there as fast as she can.
You're a loser with a capital L. !
2016-05-21 9:58 am
Troll much?
2016-05-21 12:35 am
"Wife, if you don't keep your Y chromosomes in check and deliver me a son to carry on my legacy, I shall have no more use for you and your *** will be put out on the street while I move my new ***** and bastard in. Oh yeah, I been screwing around on you. It's your fault too. If your womb hadn't been so defective this never would've happened."
2016-11-05 9:05 am
um how do i gently let u know that its ur damn sperm fault for not giving ur wife a boy or should i say dis wtf seriously!wht's ur problem?! come on!you'll actually leave ur own beloved wife when it's not her fault just cus da next child will definitely not be a boy?ur pathetic! honestly,that is da most stupidest reason i ever heard just to leave her like that other than her being a cheater... it shouldn't really matter dat has nothing do to with ur marriage u seem like a very selfish person who's unhappy with what's wrong with having 4 daughters huh?aren't they all healthy?then that's a blessing other than having no children at all why will definitely not u just adopt a boy?ever heard of that adopting a kid?since ur da one being negative problem solved duh what a ingrorant husband who's least appreciate be thankful that ur wife was able to have kids unlike some other women who for the life of me cannot have any children when they wish they could regarding da gender of a child...blame it at ur sperms not ur wife...
2016-05-27 11:42 am
The above answers given are very true. Frankly just divorce her. She deserves a far better husband than you and her kids need better father.
2016-05-25 11:17 pm
That's nuts!
2016-05-25 8:29 pm
You're a worthless human and pathetic man. Grow up. It's not get fault it's yours. She's innocent.
2016-05-25 2:19 pm
Well...everybody said what you needed to know but remember you're just a piece of crap :v
2016-05-25 1:14 pm
Dude, grow up!
2016-05-25 7:41 am
YOU are UNABLE to provide yourself with a son. Have you been living under a rock? How mean can you be? She has gone through four pregnancies for you and eeek, what are you?

I feel very sorry for your wife and girls and hope you never have another child to be mean to.
2016-05-25 7:15 am
OMG you are the most stupid, idiotic man in the 21st century. It is so obvious you never go to school or you would know it's ur own ******* sperm that decides a boy or a girl. So your sperms are shitty and you blames ur wife for the ******* liquid that spewed from ur own dick into her. She should divorce u instead for not being able to produce healthy male sperms for baby boys. ****, if i am her, i would leave u in 5 minutes for impregnating me 4 times 9months with baby girls and complaining abt it like a disgusting moron for ur own incapability in producing sperms for boys and find other real men with good quality sperms that doesn't give me years of trouble being pregnant again n again and then ***** about it. Like being pregnant is easy. Like carrying ur babies for your family generation is easy. Your sperms are shits and u ***** about it in internet like a moron.
2016-05-25 7:09 am
There's no way to break it to her gently. She deserves to be mad.
2016-05-25 4:31 am
2016-05-25 4:07 am
Technically, it is your fault if the child isn't a boy because the sperm decides the gender of a child. So it's your fault and not hers.
2016-05-25 2:59 am
What kind of a retarded reason is that...???? Are you stupid?? From genetics, its that male chromosome that decides the gender of the child. The truth is, no one can decide the gender of their kid so freaking deal with it. You must be a shitty parent too.
2016-05-25 2:42 am
Did You know that YOU, the father determine the gender of a baby. Henry the VIII was also ignorant about who determines the baby's gender, although you have not murdered your wife..that is good. However you seem to ignore the fact that you have three healthy daughters who probably adore their father...YOU would definitely benefit from some classes in genetics. Giving your wife THINGS has nothing to do with the gender of a child.. YOU are the determining factor.. Better prepare yourself to pay child support for four children and a divorce.
(you might also lose privileges with respect sharing in your children's lives in the divorce settlement, and better count of paying child support for the son you fathered.
If you were my husband, I'd send you to genetics counsellng or Santa Claus.
2016-05-25 2:02 am
Give her five more chances.
2016-05-25 12:16 am
Yea like your wife has the power to regulate what sex the baby is? You should just tell her now.
2016-05-24 7:40 pm
What! If you left your wife how would she live and her 5 daughters live without you! MAN ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS HERE!?
2016-05-24 7:08 pm
Nasty piece of work you are. She's better off without you anyway, scumbag.
2016-05-24 3:30 pm
Someone as cruel and selfish as you should not have any more children. I think you need to come clean with your infidelity and see who leaves whom; boy your alimony and child support payments are going to hurt your wallet. Sounds to me like you deserve what ever you get.
2016-05-24 2:18 pm
Apparently you didn't make it past the 8th grade. Are you now aware that it's up to your sperm biologically that dictates the gender of your child. It's your weiner that gives forth the sex of your baby- and has nothing to do with your wife. Do her a favor and leave. Poor woman- being stuck with ignorance through the children you've had already. Oh, and then get with another woman, and watch as another daughter pops out.
2016-05-24 1:56 pm
It's the guy that makes either the girl or guy dude XD
2016-05-24 12:01 pm
That's not nice!
2016-05-24 11:31 am
A coathanger may help with this situsation
2016-05-24 10:00 am
Legit the most f'ed up thing I have heard
2016-05-24 7:22 am
Every fetus starts off as a girl. Thats why you have nipples, dummy. Its not up to her if it turns into a boy or a girl pig. If you want a boy so bad make sure you dont stress her out so much that the baby dies in the womb.
2016-05-24 6:03 am
What a d-bag
2016-05-24 5:54 am
Just tell her, get it overwith you ignorant shithead. She deserves better than you anyhow.
2016-05-24 5:38 am
I hope she leaves you ...for someone who can love your girls since they such a burden for you to have ..please leave her so she can find a real man and father to those children... just so you know girls tend to take care of there parents in there old age. and idiot you are making the girls with your genes so maybe your meant to have girls..
2016-05-24 1:22 am
Emasculate yourself.
Save her the bother.
2016-05-24 12:34 am
Why are you asking us through this?? Tell your wife about this face to face instead of writing this and pissing people off telling them what you're going to do! <sight>
I can't believe men like you still exist in this world, do you even love your daughters?
2016-05-23 10:40 pm
You pathetic excuse for a man. It is your fault that she has had daughters. Get over yourself, grow up and enjoy your daughters' growing up.
2016-05-23 10:15 pm
Say it with flowers. Or maybe a singing telegram?
2016-05-23 9:58 pm
I feel sorry for the woman who married you. You are such a heartless and rude man. I will tell you one thing, one day you will die and stand before god on your judgement day. You will burn in eternal hell..........those poor girls will grow up and will revenge on you sure........may all their tears comes to your head as curse.
2016-05-23 9:29 pm
people like you really deserve to die
2016-05-23 8:23 pm
Are you crazy?
Children matter. Their gender doesn't.
2016-05-23 8:18 pm
You are a rat, I hope the child support goes high on you!
2016-05-23 7:19 pm
Love is Unconditional... what you are Doing is Being Selfish, Your Wife Deserves a Great Big Shot of Honesty. As a Human Being I am sure you would greatly appreciate if your wife would be Honest and straight forward with you, Instead of stringing her along. Please dont use the fact that your Desire for having a Baby Boy is what lead you to being unfaithful cause it goes deeper then that. Being Honest and truthful is usually that nice but no one said being admirable is EASY. Own and take responsibilities for your actions. if you truely have any Love for this WOMEN that gave her heart to You.... Your friend Tesuo
2016-05-23 7:11 pm
You ought to casterated for stupidity. You determine the sex by your sperm. Your wife is not a bird, female birds determine the sex. You are a *** wipe. Do not divorce your wife. If she can put up with a son from another woman. SHE IS A KEEPER. If you love your girls stay with their MOM!
2016-05-23 5:33 pm
Are you seriously asking this question.The nerve of you.You are wrong on so many levels.Your wife is a Mother of four beautiful daughters,and you are a selfish pompous individual with a (son) by another woman.Wow...
2016-05-23 5:00 pm
You do know that mens sperm is what determines the childs gender, dont you? If you leave her and try to have a child with another woman, youll probably still have another girl, because the problem isnt them. Its you.
2016-05-23 4:30 pm
OMG a scientific breakthrough! We somehow managed to bring King Henry VIII back from the dead even though he's been dead for hundreds of years!!

Seriously though, you might as well ditch her so she can go find a better husband, who's not an absolute piece of crap like you.
2016-05-23 4:11 pm
2016-05-23 4:05 pm
Well yes because that's the next best fling.
2016-05-23 3:52 pm
I hope you do leave her! and then she can take your @ss for all kinds of childs support! ha ha ha ha !
2016-05-23 3:35 pm
2016-05-23 3:34 pm
She will be lucky to be rid of you !
2016-05-23 3:26 pm
I think the best thing for you is to leave your wife and let her find someone who will LOVE her, cos you certainly dont you are one selfish bastard, they deserve better than you. I love my wife for her, not for what she can produce be it boy or girl, they all get loved the same.
2016-05-23 2:37 pm
Your a real ********. You don't deserve a wife or a decent answer. First of all, you have committed adultery. your still married and slept with some waitress. Your a real piece of crap
2016-05-23 2:27 pm
"Honey, as you probably know by now, I am a complete idiot, a liar and a cheat. I have an out-dated focus that blocks any thought that science proves that we BOTH created our four daughters and only allows me to blame you. Clearly, I am just no good for you. I have signed everything I own over to you, and here is all the cash I have on hand at the moment. I vow to send the child support on a regular basis. Please choose any divorce attorney you like and I will pay the fees. Again, I am a complete idiot, a liar and a cheat. I apologize."
2016-05-23 2:00 pm
Hey Looser!!!! You don't deserve her. I suggest you just leave and find a better paying job and pony up for the child support.
2016-05-23 1:50 pm
2016-05-23 1:26 pm
Yeah, sure you do. Another cowardly anonymous loser.....
2016-05-23 1:16 pm
Frankly, I think she should be the one to ask that very question ....
2016-05-23 1:05 pm
I love my daughters more than my self and I love my wife more, because she's a mother. I love and respect all women.

the fault is not the wife, it's your problem, so to be nice and gentle, just commit suicide and leave their lives forever.
2016-05-23 1:02 pm
Text her and tell her bluntly silly
2016-05-23 1:01 pm
Dear the problem is with you not her.
2016-05-23 12:56 pm
are you joking, women dont choose what gender their next child is going to be
2016-05-23 12:48 pm
It's a bad reason to leave your wife ..

Won't you adopt a boy !!! :) there problems solved :) If you truly love your wife then don't go !
2016-05-23 12:10 pm
its sad to hear this king of question from a person of 21th generation. science has developed but thinking of people has gone back to pre historic age. you are lucky to have child.... its god who decides to give girl / boy... for boy child leaving wife very disgusting. if you are so much intrested in having boy child you shold contact doctor well before.
2016-05-23 10:56 am
If she having Girls after girls it's because of you!!
It's your fault it's your sperm who chooses!!!!
Beside don't blame nobody ask God and roll with it
2016-05-23 10:19 am
According to me Your wife is not responsible for the birth of boy or girl. The men are only responsible. (I am not blaming). But the truth is that, all this are done by the chromosome inside the body. Female is only one chromosome called X and the men is having 02 chromosome i.e., X & Y. Scientifically if X chromosome of both is mixed then female child is going to birth else the male child is going to birth.

I hope this is enough for your life. be a happy marriage life.
2016-05-23 10:14 am
It's your swimmers A****LE. You're the failure. Do her a favor and leave. No, not just the mariage. I'm talking life.
2016-05-23 9:57 am
Are you still alive, a person like you should be killed. Living in this century, your thinking is of 70-80th. Girls are the beauty of home and strength of parents,. You thinking is to cheap, the wife whom you love you say is also a girl , the mother who gave birth to you is also a girl.
And the main thing giving birth to a girl is not you wife mistake, its your mistake. Soo instead to blamming your wife first look at your self.
2016-05-23 9:55 am
you don't
2016-05-23 8:45 am
wow this man id the definisation of a *** hole what a **** poor woman its not her fault chilren are a blessing whether is a girl or boy you should be happy with what you got there are peoplle who would do anything to be in your position
2016-05-23 8:32 am
the fault lies in u its ur sperm quality u say that u love her and u talkin this rude its jst gross u must study biology man... again its ur sperm not her fault and having girls is great thing if u wanna have a baby boy pray to god and seek medical advice
2016-05-23 8:21 am
what the damn hell u are a ****** up man r u serious? you cheat on your wife and divorce her because of something your fault who are you? the question should be: i am a ****** up man and im an arrogant **** head should my wife leave me?
2016-05-23 8:16 am
adopt if you want a boy so bad, your a tool, maybe she would be better off with somebody else than you, did I say your a tool? tool! be happy you both can have/afford a kid, grow up dude!
2016-05-23 8:12 am
Middle School Science - The male's genetic material determines the gender of the child, not the woman's. I won't go into your reasons or the apparent medieval thinking which fuels your preference of one gender over the other because it would go on for too long.
2016-05-23 8:12 am
seriously you're a jerk .. who are you to leave her? your wife should leave you , you don't deserve anybody on this earth. its women who ive birth to human life , even you were made by a women so you should be ashamed of you , so o and kill yourself too
2016-05-23 6:24 am
2016-05-23 5:38 am
sorry king henry but thats messed up
2016-05-23 5:10 am
You're an idiot! Only you can provide the right chromosome for a boy.
2016-05-23 5:08 am
2016-05-23 4:18 am
Wait for it.....boom bab I know we said till death do us part but you killed me emotionally and I can't see our future going anywhere I can't be with someone I dislike I can't lie too you because I respect you as a person but living with a lie is far too much for me too I can tell you whoever you are is a genuine nice person and you may feel bad you may second guess yourself but a better you is better for the both of you please don't leave without explaining you position do u ever think you have these feelings and maybe he/she does too? True love will always find a way too be together in the end being a couple doesn't define either of you and I truly wish the best of luck for the both of you life's only as hard as you make it and in time your wounds will heal being blunt and honest is the only way...GL
2016-05-23 3:50 am
You don't brother. You will have to pay out your ***. Just find another girl and get her knocked up and if that's a boy then disappear. Leave the country with her or better yet go to another country and get a girl there.
2016-05-23 3:41 am
Troll fail, but then you've failed at being a man.
2016-05-23 3:25 am
amazing to know people like you exist. You know what, go and divorce your wife. I'd love to see her do better with a better companion. I hope your son ends up to be super effeminate too. **** you.
2016-05-23 3:15 am
2016-05-23 3:03 am
******* retard
2016-05-23 2:46 am
Take it up with your own slow sperm. The Y chromosome needs to come from your sperm. If you marry any other, you will have the same problem
2016-05-23 2:39 am
Oh my God and I thought I was bad for wanting to sleep with a married man. You, sir, are a horrible person in general.
2016-05-23 2:16 am
go back to school and get educated on genetics.
2016-05-23 1:53 am
Say "Honey, find a good divorce lawyer to take me for everything I've got because I am a poop hole."
2016-05-23 1:39 am
This is how stupid and ignorant you are:


Look it up.
2016-05-23 1:24 am
That's not your wife's fault that your fault, you make girls if she was to slept with someone else she is more likely to have a son with them, don't blame your wife and also a dumb way for divorce.
I'm just saying:/
2016-05-23 12:53 am
Did you ever attend school?
2016-05-23 12:48 am
I don't know if this guy is trolling or looking for attention. As a woman, I rage as I read his words. But you know what they say. Karma is a *****. I hope you get what you deserve after treating your wife as a child bearer and only.
2016-05-23 12:47 am
How is she supposto give u a son just cuz u want one ur sperm determins wether its going to be a boy or girl not her egg ur ignorant so tech u shuld be devorcing ur sperm how does she choose the sex of the baby xy n xx u dip **** its ur sperm women have a egg its x a male gas two types sper x and y so how is this her fault man if i were her i would have devorced ur *** aling time ago
2016-05-23 12:35 am
2016-05-23 12:15 am
Just say "You will be getting a monthly check from me fir the next 18-21 years because vanity is more important!". That will soften the blow.

Good luck
2016-05-23 12:02 am
Take a science class. Your sperm decides the sex of the child. So do not be a fool.
2016-05-23 12:01 am
Are you serious ! who would want to be friends with someone who blames them for something they have no control over
2016-05-22 11:50 pm
Stop smoking the white stuff man its making u dillusional
2016-05-22 11:42 pm
The only reason I can think of right off hand for you to leave her,is so that she can find a decent huiman being.
2016-05-22 11:17 pm
U r being very mean.just b coz she cant hav son u r leaving her
2016-05-22 10:58 pm
If you want to leave your wife just because you don't have sons, then you don't really love her and your own daughters.
2016-05-22 10:42 pm
Women provide x chromosomes (girls). Men provide and x or a y chromosome. You need an x and a y to make a boy. So it you who gave her girls, not her.
2016-05-22 10:37 pm
has caused no end to problems in our marriage I'm fed up and at the end of my rope with this now. Right now I'm living apart from her with my partner. A year ago I had a fling with the waitress at t
2016-05-22 10:21 pm
wow seriously? ..speechless*
2016-05-22 10:17 pm
I really hope you're kidding
2016-05-22 10:12 pm
see this why stupid people are not aloud to mate see it takes two to make a baby so yeah and know be happy with what you got you ungrateful little c.unt see I don't have kids right now I said to my self if I ever have kids I will do what ever it takes to give them a future no to disappoint them like what you, you are the most disappointing father well you hate your kids know if you went to jail and said that most prisoners will bum you so yeah and also it is your fault
2016-05-22 10:09 pm
Adopt a male child. Make him yours
2016-05-22 9:56 pm
You shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.
2016-05-22 9:55 pm
Be grateful you can conceive at all since some people out there cannot conceive; and remember, we are in the 21st century. Daughters can carry on the family name and continue the family's business, lifestyle, etc.
2016-05-22 9:47 pm
Do you actually think she is God who gives children?
2016-05-22 9:45 pm
2016-05-22 9:37 pm
men are the ones who carry the gender, it;s not the woman.
2016-05-22 9:33 pm
Tell her that you sleep with it in practice sexual
2016-05-22 9:02 pm
What a dumbass question.
2016-05-22 8:09 pm
Please do your wife, children and mistress a favor and go see a therapist asap.
2016-05-22 7:40 pm
Here is the advice you need... Grow up and go to school. There you will learn that it is not her fault and that you are a pathetic little ****.
2016-05-22 7:18 pm
U mad to leave her just because she has another girl rather than a boy think of the people that can't get pregnant at all!
2016-05-22 6:43 pm
What if you left her for another woman and had a girl with that woman?
U need to be strong about this and think things through.
Practice didferent sexual things and maybe youll discover how to give her a boy..
2016-05-22 6:25 pm
If you want a girl then YOU need to provide her the y-chromosome. SCIENCE!
2016-05-22 6:03 pm
She can't decide the gender of you & her child. So Long the child is healthy why matter if is a boy or girl.
2016-05-22 5:57 pm
Have her beheaded
2016-05-22 5:56 pm
Get it right with God.
2016-05-22 5:52 pm
Who are you, King Henry? Blame your swimmers
2016-05-22 5:45 pm
Found your stated sequence of events very interesting and quite amazed that by your own admission it plainly indicates what a self centred pig you really are.( No offence to pigs in general). Quite obviously only your desires are the ones that matter, and your self opinion of yourself as a supreme breeding machine is laughable. You even manage to state that your waitress girlfriend WHO YOU HAD NO FEELINGS FOR gave you a son. Bet she was delighted to know that she was just a breeding mare. Would be pleased to know how you come to have these opinions, but I guess that will never happen. Never realised before that such blunt selfishness could be admitted and published.
2016-05-22 5:43 pm
What kind person; husband; father would think that way?! You make me sick! A woman can't help it if the child ends up being a boy or girl. She doesn't get to choose that!!! Grow a freaking pair.
2016-05-22 5:35 pm
if I would be your parents, i would have had an abortion instead of you. Piece of ****!
2016-05-22 5:08 pm
You know at the end of the day its your fault, not your wifes? Its dependent on the male chromosones... So maybe you should divorce yourself?
2016-05-22 5:07 pm
It is the man that makes a boy or a girl. Its sperm that carries the sex of the child. Its not her fault its yours.
2016-05-22 4:56 pm
What a miserable failure you are as a man. You self-centered moron.
2016-05-22 4:55 pm
Warning: do not feed the trolls
2016-05-22 4:54 pm
You do realise that it is YOUR sperm that decides the sex of your child I hope. Four daughters already so it looks like that is what you are stuck with, no matter how many partners you have.

BTW : I have six sons and would have loved to have a daughter. But not enough to abandon my family.
2016-05-22 4:38 pm
F*ckin trolls rule this site.
2016-05-22 4:37 pm
Oie, You first ensure yours - Y or X or both. If yours is full of X , Y or both, yours has no use;Try to have only Y in you to see the desired result. Before having the above Y only in you, you are hiding your defects.None sense.
2016-05-22 4:04 pm
By blaming yourself all your male carrying sperm can't survive long enough to get to the egg
2016-05-22 3:50 pm
Seriously? Where were you during 'sex education' in high school...... the MALE sperm decides the SEX of a baby!!! It is NOT your wife's fault - it is YOUR fault.
2016-05-22 3:42 pm
It's your fault not hers. It's not her fault if most of your sperms are females.The time you CHEATED on your wife your sperm happened to be male.She should be the one to break up with you ASAP you dumbass.
2016-05-22 3:01 pm
Stupid prick get a life
2016-05-22 2:49 pm
Damn DUDE you a douchebag!!!!
2016-05-22 2:06 pm
aaaaand youre the most hated person on yahoo answers.
2016-05-22 2:03 pm


2016-05-22 1:24 pm
End it now! If that's your attitude your wife and children are better off without you
2016-05-22 1:22 pm
if u went at far as 7th grade, you would know that it is the GUY that determines if the child will be male or female
2016-05-22 1:04 pm
Do what Henry the king did
2016-05-22 12:29 pm
its actually youre sperm that denotes the sex of the baby not her eggs so jerk youve only got youre self to blame for not having a boy so man up look after youre wife and daughters or do them a favour and bogof
2016-05-22 12:16 pm
Good old king Henry 8th.
2016-05-22 12:10 pm
Its the male's sperm that chooses the sex of the baby. You should stop blaming her as its actually you. Dirty cheat
2016-05-22 10:31 am
You're a real piece of work aren't you? Leave your wife cause your wife deserves better.
2016-05-22 10:17 am
What is wrong with you? It's sad this mentality still exists.
2016-05-22 9:47 am
You're an asshole
2016-05-22 8:59 am
I can't believe this is actually a questions.
2016-05-22 7:57 am
Oh god ur such a du**a*s idiot haha its literally not her damn fault omg I just learned this in biologyal a few days ago haha its called x and y chromosomes jack*as ur sperm is the problem not hers stop being an ignorant uneducated a*shole
2016-05-22 7:27 am
Its actually YOUR sperm thats the problem, you are the one producing the deciding chromosomes. You clearly dont deserve another child nor your current ones and certainly not your wife. dick. Oh and by the way when a woman achieves orgasm during sex she is more likely to have a boy so i guess you penis is to small or your personality is so unappealing your body cant make up for it ( im gonna take a guess and say its both). I hope she leaves you.
2016-05-22 7:24 am
If loose your marriage by your own cause "conditional love" you can not go to heaven as your daughter will tell to you that you are not Good father. You have to take care your family this is your promise in God for marriage.
2016-05-22 7:14 am
Your a complete idiot it is the male who decides the sex of the child so it is your fault.
2016-05-22 6:51 am
Ure a sick man! First, u dont marry a woman just bcoz u wanted to have a son. U marry a woman bcoz u love her, no matter what. If she cant give u a son, arent u mature enough to realize that its not her fault? This is what God decided to give u so u must accept ure child whether its a boy or girl.
Otherwise, theres a lot of ways now to have what gender u wud like ur baby to be, google "chinese gender predictor" and try to conceive on the month that ure wife can have a son, u also have to consider her age.
Also, i dont think u shud continue ur relationship with ur wife since u were already cheating on her its not fair for her
參考: Myself & google
2016-05-22 6:08 am
you honestly deserve to rot.
2016-05-22 6:05 am
******* ********
2016-05-22 5:44 am
How about a few of my guy friends an me come over a beat the s h i t out of you!!!
2016-05-22 5:36 am
If your wife is stupid enough to stay with you (and have another kid) after you've cheated on her and had a baby with somebody else, I don't feel sorry for her. You are both morons and shouldn't breed.
2016-05-22 5:31 am
2016-05-22 5:14 am
Fathering children is a gift. The male sperm determines if the child will be boy. The values you are espousing to are not in line with social norms. You are responsible for the kids, so think of the child support payments.
2016-05-22 4:54 am
Leave her. She deserves much better than you
2016-05-22 4:15 am
Are you an idiot? Or just a troll? Do you not realize that the woman cannot control what gender the kid is? It's more so your sperms fault then her egg. You're an idiot if you end your marriage for that, and should live all of your children the same.
2016-05-22 4:08 am
You asshole.
2016-05-22 3:48 am
You fool! If your wife hasn't had a boy child, don't you realize it is YOUR fault - not hers? The male determines the sex of a child - not the woman!
2016-05-22 3:08 am
Might wanna realize how determination of sex works, hun
2016-05-22 2:11 am
i hope you end it for her and her children's sake you stupid idiot
2016-05-22 1:33 am
Are you one of those Muslim ISIS mobsters, like them they can have heads in sticks without even turning one head. You have beautiful daughters and yiu say that, same on you !
2016-05-22 1:25 am
2016-05-22 12:53 am
How do I say this nicely... You are clearly an asshole, don't reproduce anymore. Women do not somehow "control" the sex of the baby. She isn't sabotaging you. Grow the **** up, dude!
2016-05-22 12:40 am
She should divorce you for being a jerk.
2016-05-21 11:17 pm
Kiss her foot in gratefulness for having four princesses to love and cherish, ye macho idiot!
2016-05-21 11:00 pm
If that is how you are thinking then your marriage is already over. Also you might want to get a book on biology/genetics and read it very carefully until you understand what it is saying. You may want to get a vasectomy and stay single
2016-05-21 10:23 pm
You are a sad excuse for a man. Grow a pair you moron. Also people like you should not have children.
2016-05-21 10:04 pm
There are lots of easy ways to break up with someone:

With that said, I'd probably not recommend doing it for that reason.
2016-05-21 9:33 pm
It's your sperm not your wife. You're so ungrateful. she gave you four children and you got someone else pregnant. I hope she leaves you and take all your money since u cheated on her and got some dumb waitress pregnant
2016-05-21 9:30 pm
Since that's your question, you never had a marriage to begin with. She should be the one to divorce you.
2016-05-21 9:22 pm
Show her what you just posted because she'll want to leave you.
Learn some biology and realise the fact that not having sons is not her fault but yours. Grow up already.
2016-05-21 9:07 pm
get a noose and use it, maybe that
2016-05-21 8:39 pm
Thats ridiculous
2016-05-21 8:30 pm
WHAT??? you do know that it is your fault that your sperms don't hit the right egg and that is why your wife only gives you boys? you need to check this out with a genetic doctor so he/she can explain this to you. so what if you try to have another boy with this waitress and it turns out to be another girl you are going to blame her too??? it is something seriously wrong with you. your wife needs to divorce you so you can be with the other woman, and if she does i hope you don't have not another boy with who ever you try to have another one with. you awe to have sense to know that it is not your wife's fault that she is having all girls. its all in genetics, and God's hands.
2016-05-21 8:21 pm
Just leave her give herr back her freedom you already took a lot of HER time
2016-05-21 8:17 pm
You just want to be with your side ho. Quit blaming it on the son thing. Tell your wife it's over and let her move on to someone better.
2016-05-21 8:11 pm
**** off you stupid ****
2016-05-21 8:08 pm
your daughters must/will hate you if they saw this and you shouldn't be allow to become a parent in the first place and you are a disgrace to your own family
2016-05-21 7:59 pm
I hope you're a troll. I rather suspect that you are.

If not, you have far bigger problems than the lack of a son, such as your selfish intention to let your four girls grow up without their dad. And for the record, _you_ failed to give _her_ a son, not the other way around. You're the one who contributes the X or Y chromosome that determines the sex of your children.
2016-05-21 7:22 pm
It's not her fault at all! Not only are girls just as likley as boys to be born, but it's the male's sperm's fault. The sperm carries the gender before the baby is even born. And if you leant a divorce for that, remember that the gender is completely your fault.
2016-05-21 6:39 pm
Some people can't even have kids and here you are being unhappy with your wife?! You GOT to pass on your "beloved" genes now go away! :/
2016-05-21 6:22 pm
You sound like Henry VIII.
2016-05-21 6:17 pm
It's the man's sperm that makes it a boy or girl, fool
2016-05-21 5:54 pm
You idiot , get your self mentally tested. You don't live your family.
, than y u got married
2016-05-21 5:48 pm
If you want a boy just give her orgasms Man.. Its been proven that when women get orgasms during sex they're more likely to get boys.. Its not her fault you dont know how to do your job????
2016-05-21 4:40 pm
Does your wife sleep on her left side? I got all boys, my wife slept on her right side every time.
2016-05-21 4:15 pm
It's YOUR fault you're having duaghters...
2016-05-21 2:44 pm
You are a stuborn piece of **** if you dont want her give her number to me and I'll give her the Love you seem to not know **** about. When you married her you made promises and by reading your post i can now tell that women are true how men get them Pregnant and then leave....its men like your sorry *** that get us men that arent like you blamed for what you do....please catch aids and do the world a favor.
2016-05-21 2:35 pm
Are you nuts , there are already WAY more men than women in this world , far more boys are born on average everywhere than girls , made far worse in the Middle East , India & China due to female infanticide. Daughters are a blessing !!
2016-05-21 1:50 pm
I guess you failed at both science and sex education in school. Your obsession is affecting many lives and worst of all, should your daughters need an explanation what would you say to them?
2016-05-21 10:20 am
Having 4 dauthers is gods gift, you are ***!
Check waitresses son DNA,
many males walking around and eat at the same restoran!
2016-05-21 9:21 am
WHAT? are you crazy? it's not like one can choose a sex of a child, unless you would go to a clinic to get a boy before stupidly producing 4 daughters via gambling with mother nature. With all the ranting I take it females are second class to you or something? The irony will be that your son will be let down and useless ****, while daughters will be fine. because kharma!
2016-05-21 8:33 am
speak to her face to face don t hesitate but u can also adopt a baby boy if u can instead of moving out of your marriage
2016-05-21 4:49 am
If that's how you feel then she really deserves someone it is your sperm which makes the child a girl or boy ._.
2016-05-21 3:24 am
You are aware that it is the male sperm that determines the sex of the child You cannot blame the oven if you keep adding the wrong ingredients. You are a fool a girl child is every bit as good as a boy child It is you that suck at being a father
2016-05-21 2:51 am
And I thought Henry VIII was long dead.
2016-05-21 2:39 am
Hey genius. It is you who determines the sex of your children. Your wife has no control over it. If she keeps having girls, it's because you keep giving her girls.
2016-05-23 8:31 am
Take it from me, I have three kids boys and girls and I just got tired of her. We accepted this is normal and that we shouldn't separate, so we entered an open marriage. Humanity need to get itself over itself. It's just love, and some people need to love multiple people at the same time. Just talk with her she shouldn't be such a retard.
2016-05-21 7:54 pm
Seriously. Please think twice
2016-05-21 7:19 pm
why can t you wait for grandsons. daughters grow up fast. you may enjoy your grandsons
even more than you know.
2016-05-21 6:38 pm
Well ,she is lucky...i mean it is good for her that she discovers the truth so fast
2016-05-21 10:24 am
Your wife has no decision whether she gives birth to a boy or a girl, so if you decide to divorce her for a reason like this, than she is lucky to have such an ignorant person out of her life. :)
2016-05-21 7:26 am
You don't know that it's the man's sperm - NOT the woman's ovum - that determines the sex of a baby???

Oh boy, you are the dumbest 12-year-old I have across on these boards! LOL
2016-05-21 3:53 pm
Don't listen to the idiots saying that the fathers sperm determines the sex of the child. Any non virgin woman carries the Y chromosome in her DNA for the rest of her life once her partner ejaculates into her, pregnancy or no. Fertile hermaphrodites carry the Y chromosome, as well as thousands of other women with slight genetic irregularities.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:56:56
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