How can I stop my neighbor from claiming part of my yard as his own?

2016-05-20 8:32 pm

回答 (26)

2016-05-20 9:12 pm
Fence in your yard, put the fence just on your side of the line and pay your own fence line. Done deal.
2016-05-22 11:50 am
Best thing to do is to have your property surveyed and survey markers installed. Other wise it is your word against his where the lines are. Then contact your building department and establish how far from the line things can be installed. For instance where I live a building has to be installed 10 to 20 feet from the line depending on the size of the building. There is also a minimum amount of space that a fence can be installed from your property line. This will cost you some money but it is better to know your rights and your property lines. Take pictures of any infractions in case you have to go to court. Get pro-active and protect yourself
2016-05-21 4:10 pm
12 gauge typically helps
2016-05-21 10:43 pm
Put up a fence.

It's possible that a neighbor will erect a building on your side of the line before you put up a fence. It's a strategy to encroach on your land and take away some of yours. That calls for a law suit to demand the building be removed. Years ago this actually happened to an old friend. The lawyer warned he would never speak to the neighbor again - Putting up that building ensured that.
2016-05-20 8:34 pm
put up a fence or some way to mark the property line.
2016-05-21 8:13 pm
We had our land surveyed to settle a problem with a neighbor.
2016-05-21 5:03 am
Get your property surveyed. The surveyor will mark the property line.
2016-05-21 3:38 am
Warn him that anything he puts/plants/grows in your yard, you'll dispose of as you see fit. What's the neighbor doing?
2016-05-20 8:48 pm
build a wall. (or fence depending on who you support)
2016-05-23 3:25 am
Put the fence just on your side of the line, or warn him something that he puts in your yard.
2016-05-21 4:19 am
If he has intruded over into what you know is your land, advise him what he has done and that he needs to not trespass there. If he has put equipment or a building or fencing on your land, contact a lawyer.
2016-05-22 1:08 am
My dad passed away and his neighbor took down the fence on my dad's property, and put railroad ties on my dad's property so his dog could have more space to run. The house is on the market. We were unable to pay a surveyor and the neighbor won't co-operate. We do have blue prints but it doesn't distinguish the property line. WE ARE CERTAIN THERE WAS A FENCE BEFORE THEN but the premises were left empty for a year. We can't pay to put up the fence, nor remove the railroad ties. Not to whine, but sometimes owners are subject to sad consequences because of lack of funds and nasty people.
2017-01-09 10:49 am
warn him that anything he puts/plants/grows in your yard, you'll dispose of as you see fit......... what's the neighbor doing?
2016-05-25 9:35 am
Build a fence! :)
2016-05-24 3:10 am
2016-05-24 2:05 am
Talk it with him nicely, if he refuses, put up a fence.
2016-05-23 7:28 pm
had this happen to a home that was forclosed on the bank hired some people to put a fence up got into a heated argument but my property had all ready been surveyed so they got in trouble when the inspector came out had to take the fence down and re put it up they were not happy. and they still tried to put the fence on my side and kept having to take it down coast them money in the end so the bank fired everybody and hired new people the fence then went in right
2016-05-23 5:13 pm
Sue him
2016-05-23 3:00 am
You can put up a fence in your yard.
2016-05-23 12:47 am
definitely get a survey done..if you don't want to do that you can buy a fence or plant some kind of fencing plant like tall bamboo
2016-05-22 9:42 pm
Put a fence up, have your land surveyed and solve the problem.
2016-05-22 7:28 pm
My neighbor did the same thing to my husband and me. Prior resident took down the previous fence without notifying us and placed another. The new neighbor moved in and did not like our clothes line hooks on our side of the party fence and called in a surveyor to mark the edge of her property and we were over by six inches. The best and cheapest way is to install the fence yourself. There are programs at local home improvement centers or go on line. It may be cheaper than you think even if you just place a party fence to delineate your property from your neighbors.
2016-05-22 3:25 pm
Check the deeds of the two houses and then erect a fence to separate the two properties so that he cannot claim the land, you may need to take legal advice on this too.
2016-05-22 9:10 am
First discuss it nicely. If need be show him a photocopy of your deeds or whatever you call it, where it shows the property boundary. Or put plant pots or whatever you have in a line along the boundary to make the point if you can't afford a fence or a wall.
2016-05-21 7:19 pm
Egg him.
2016-05-21 4:24 pm
Show him your property site plath.
2016-05-20 11:41 pm
Sue him.
2016-05-22 10:34 pm
Get a gun and say if he says anything or does anything you'll blow his brains out, works most of the time.

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