should they make a disney world for homosexuals? I think the heterosexual disney world is reterded?

2016-05-20 3:24 pm

回答 (5)

2016-05-20 4:22 pm
I noticed you joined Y/A just today. = Did you realize that you must be 13 to ask questions?. I guess it has something ti do with re TERDS
2016-05-20 4:21 pm
its "reterded"?
there is no heterosexual disney world.
there is just disney world.
they accept everyone.
2016-05-21 3:14 pm
The already have Gay Days at Disney World, you lose.
2016-05-20 3:31 pm
It's always hard to take anyone who uses the word "retarded" to describe anything other than the mental capabilities of a less intelligent person, especially an inanimate object.

And it's even more difficult when the person uses that word can't spell it properly.

2016-05-20 3:25 pm
No because segregation doesn't help with anything

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