Weird extremely tiny black bug jumping in bed?

2016-05-20 3:03 pm
Okay so I was laying in bed a while ago and came across this really tiny black bug that was on my bed and it was jumping. If you were to just look at it it would not look like a bug because it just looks like a small black dot. And then I kept seeing the exact same thing randomly on various days, like it is only one that I see each time. Idk what on earth it is or how to get rid of it because it is so tiny and jumps and keeps reappearing. I am a clean person, I do not have any pets or an infestation. They are no where else in the house to my knowledge and I don't even think I want to sleep in my bed tonight.

回答 (13)

2016-05-20 3:08 pm
It sounds like a young flea. You could have picked it up just walking down the street, or in the store or mall. They sense the vibrations in the ground or floor and just jump in that direction.

The fact that you have a young one means that a mature one got into your bedroom and laid eggs. I would start with a serious vacuum job in your bedroom, but you should research setting off a 'flea bomb' in there. When you vacuum, be sure to move the vacuum *slowly*, or you might go right over some of them.
2016-05-20 3:07 pm
It could be a flea or a bed bug, although I don't think bed bugs jump.

It might not be you, maybe someone you had over or if you went to someones house and possibly picked up a flea.
2016-05-20 3:04 pm
Could be a flea if it jumps.
2016-05-20 5:01 pm
It sounds like a probable flea to me, definitely not bed bugs. If you have itchy bites, that would be good evidence. They might still be too small. If you have pets, you might want to get some flea medicine or at least keep a look out. I hate fleas. I would rather get 10 mosquito bites than one flea bite.
2016-05-20 3:09 pm
This could be due to the lighting in the room. It may be causing you to see a black dot moving up and down. That might be why you are seeing the exact same thing in the same place over different days.
2016-05-20 8:15 pm
Most likely a flea. don't let your dog or cat on the bed until you've given it a good flea bath, and call an exterminator.
2016-05-27 7:33 pm
Might wanna call an exterminator, as they would of course know about insects.
2016-05-25 1:25 am
I would wash all your sheets with really hot water just in case it's a flea/bed bug/lice
2016-05-21 3:41 pm
sounds like a flea to me. they pass through several stages before they become the easily-identified adult that most people think of as a flea. When they are young, they are so tiny that they are almost impossible to actually see.

And if you have one, you have many, in my experience.
2016-05-20 11:15 pm
Sounds a lot like a stray flea, and no, you don't have to have pets to get them, they can breed in your yard, then pick up a hitchhiker bringing it indoors.
Nymph springtail is another possibility, as Bulldog mentioned, totally harmless.
參考: Entomology.
2016-05-20 5:19 pm
Did it bite you? Turn down the air con as low as you can for a day when you are out, the cold will kill the bugs. They do it at Disney hotels.
2016-05-20 3:07 pm
You see it so often yet you can't take a picture
2016-05-20 3:05 pm
Seriously .... Grow a pair

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