I am 220 pounds I want to lose about 30 pounds but I don't want to change my diet.?

2016-05-20 3:02 pm
What exercise things should I do.
I swim for about a hour a day. What else?

回答 (3)

2016-05-21 9:21 am
I recently started a diet, and i knew i needed something to give me that extra push. So i went a head and ordered Weight Loss Green Store Tea .since using it i don't feel as hungry and feel more energetic. So far ive lost 10 pounds in a week and a half. I'm loving my results.
2016-05-20 3:17 pm
Exercise is not the answer. You would be amazed, and disappointed, to learn how few calories a vigorous workout uses.

You can probably benefit from small changes to your diet, ones that won't make you feel deprived. Can you eat a quarter cup less mashed potatoes, pasta, or rice? Can you manage with seven cookies instead of nine?
2016-05-20 3:08 pm
Nothing will change if you don't eat right. Excessive doesn't lose weight it builds muscle. Foods lose weight

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