Girls help me, how to I put false eyelashes on?

2016-05-20 2:37 pm
I have so many packs of them yet I haven't a clue how to put them on... Do you put them on your lashes or on the skin?

回答 (6)

2016-05-20 8:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They sit right on the lashes, as close to the skin as you can get it.

Take your lash out and bend and flex it a bit to get rid of the stiffness so it'll sit on the curve of your eye.

Put a little bit of lash adhesive (I love Duo lash) on the back of your hand. Use one of the tips of a bobby pin to pick up a bit of adhesive and line the fake lash with it. Shake it around and dance for about 45-60 seconds - you want the adhesive to get tacky, but not dry. If you apply it while wet, it'll just slide around an make you mad.

Once it's tacky, lay it on the lashes as close to your lash line as they can. Press it on and let it dry. Once that's done, I like to go back in with my liner to touch up any gaps, and a coat of mascara over everything so they look uniform.
2016-05-20 7:11 pm

Here is a video of how to apply them easily.
2016-05-21 2:42 am
Put them on the skin but as close to your real lashes as possible. If you put them on your lashes they will pull your real lashes off when you take them off! Look up you tube tutorials on how to apply fake lashes thats what I did and it really helps. it is easier to watch and learn rather than read and learn.
2016-05-20 3:56 pm
If the lashes are attached to a strip, then you attach the strip to the skin. I agree that you should look for tutorials at YouTube.
2016-05-20 2:38 pm
2016-05-20 2:38 pm

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