How to make a room colder without a A/C?

2016-05-20 1:58 pm
I do night shift so I need to be able to sleep during the day the only problem is my room is unbearably hot. I have black blinds (so it's dark) but the sun shines directly onto my room. I have ceiling fans but I live with my parents and they refuse to let me buy a air conditioning. Is there anyway I can make my room cooler (I've tried cold towels on my body, leaving the blinds open) nothing works. Help.

回答 (9)

2016-05-20 2:00 pm
Place buckets of ice around the room
2016-05-23 8:07 pm
In your case, it is better for you to use oscillating fan which will cool the room temperature down anyway.
2016-05-22 9:40 am
What about a cheap fan from argos can out on while your sleeping makes a bit of a whirribg noise but youll just get use to it
2016-05-20 5:32 pm
Try getting yourself something called a Chillow which you can put in the bed with you to help keep you cool, they really help an awful lot
2016-05-20 2:36 pm
Your blinds are black on both sides? They're absorbing heat.

Put a white or reflective layer between the blinds and the window. Reflect some of that solar energy back outside.
2016-05-20 2:02 pm
Use the swamp cooler principle (evaporative cooling). Have you ever looked at an old southern antebellum mansion? The windows go almost from floor to ceiling. What people would do is soak the equivalent of a bed sheet in water and hang it over the open window. The combination of the breeze through the window and the evaporation of the water would cool the room a few degrees. Note, this doesn't work efficiently in high ambient humidity because the air is already saturated so the water doesn't evaporate well.
2016-05-20 2:00 pm
What I used to do when I was younger was put ice packs in my bed with me. It worked better than any fan or anything like that
2016-05-22 10:54 pm
open window
2016-05-21 10:49 pm
You work. Therefore you can afford to by your own room cooling unit and pay the difference in electricity.

Or it's time to move out.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:33:46
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