Are cockroaches harmless?

2016-05-20 4:35 am
I like to lay outside in my backyard at night but almost every night I encounter at least one roach and some of them are HUGE. I panick when I see one and wondering if they're dangerous at all even though they do run from people

回答 (11)

2016-05-20 3:18 pm
Roaches carry bacteria.
They will not brother you outside.
Roaches inside homes carry a lot of bacteria.
And they go into mansions and spotless homes too.
They will eat anything and eat their dead.
2016-05-20 4:50 am
They're harmless and usually don't bite or anything. But they are disgusting and carry huge amounts of bacteria (which can be very dangerous)
2016-05-21 11:11 pm
They won't bite you, but they carry germs around on their feet from one place to another.
2016-05-20 10:17 pm
Cockroaches can not bite you, but they do spread disease. The outdoor ones, not so much. Well, because indoor roaches live in filth, they can, the problem with infestation is they carry it around your house, They are not dangerous, in that they pose no immediate threat to you, they won;t bite you or attack you, but they are far from harmless
2016-05-21 7:52 am
Not in the slightest. See link for the gory details.
2016-05-20 5:18 am
There are many species of roaches - more than 3,500 according to Terminix. The outdoor ones are relatively harmless and "clean" from a biological standpoint. They do not breed in filth like the indoor versions that inhabit slums such as the so called German cockroaches and brown banded cockroaches.

The only thing you might need to watch out for are bugs which are sometimes mistaken for roaches like cone nosed or kissing bugs and assassin bugs. These will bite humans and suck blood, transferring some very nasty diseases in the process.
2016-05-22 9:07 pm
Certainly not, it carries dirt and bacteria etc and contaminates the water, floor, furniture and utensil etc to such an extent that may make you felt uncomfortably and even sickness.
2016-05-22 6:16 pm
they will jump inside your food.
2016-05-20 3:44 pm
They can spread disease.
2016-05-20 5:01 am
They're actually pretty harmless, but I wouldn't touch one if I were you.
2016-05-20 4:39 am
They will NOT eat u until u dead

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